SAIDE, (September,1998) A School-Based Educational
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Descriptions of Some BBC Education Print Support
The following descriptions of BBC print support materials have been based on actual resources collected from the BBC for 1997-98. The descriptions are not exhaustive but are intended to give an indication of the type of materials produced. BBC Education separates primary and secondary school resources into different catalogues. Some of the catalogues detail all the available resources, while others focus on one learning area. Each of the different types of catalogues is described in detail.
The BBC Primary Catalogue 1998-9 is a 128-page, full-colour book with perfect binding. The cover is in full-colour and on glossy card. The back inside cover opens out to form an A2 index on the back inside cover. The index has an icon to reflect new series and another to reflect Scottish Gaelic programmes. The contents page lists page references by each colour-coded subject. Early Learning and INSET(In Service Education and Training (for teachers).) information is given separately. References for Key Stage 1(Key Stage 1 refers to the first three years of schooling (roughly equivalent to South Africas Foundation Phase) and Key Stage 2 refers to the next three years (South Africas Intermediate Phase). ) and key Stage 2 are listed in two separate columns. Four pages of information about BBC Education follow the contents-page. The range of BBC products and services, in terms of broadcasts, Internet, resources (print and cassettes) and services are described. A full page is dedicated to how to contact the BBC. Each subject section is preceded by a contents-page, which lists the Key Stage, intended age group, series-title and page number. Typically, each page deals with a single series. The subject area, Key Stage and intended age range is reflected clearly above the series title. A thin column gives the dates and times of broadcasts and repeats as well as the length of each programme. The rest of the page has a colour picture from the series, a generic description of the series, national curriculum links, suggestions for use and a separate block describing the supporting resources available. For each resource an order code and price is clearly indicated. The last page of the catalogue is a perforated card with three postcards for emergency mail orders.
Primary school catalogues, for specific subject areas, (Two such primary school resource catalogues have been used for this description: 123 BBC Guide to Numeracy - planning for continuity and progression, Primary School resources 1997-8 and ABC BBC Guide to Literacy- planning for continuity and progression primary School resources 1997-)are also produced by the BBC. These are 24-page, full-colour A4 sized booklets, which has been folded and stapled. They have both radio and television resources and devote a page to each series. The series are organized by age group and Key Stage. Broadcast times, repeats, a brief description, the number and length of programmes in a series and complementary support resources available are indicated for each series. Each page has pictures and logos from the series or of the supporting resource materials.
Broadcasts times at a glance are given for each series on the inside back cover. An A3-sized, single colour order form has been folded and staples in the centre of the book.
Secondary school catalogues for specific learning areas (This general description of secondary school catalogues is based on the BBC education booklets on Special Needs, Technology, Languages, PSHE/PSD, English, Art Music & PE, History, Geography, Religious Education,and Science; for secondary schools and colleges; 97/98)are similar in concept to the Primary school ones, but have a different layout and level of detail. These booklets are similar too in form to the Guide to Early Learning described above: 8-16 page, full-colour, glossy, folded and staples to form A4 landscape booklets. Two order forms have been included in the centre of each booklet. Together the order forms are the same size as the paper (making 4 A4 pages). Each form can be cut out, and has been designed to be folded-up and posted as an already addressed envelope. By using a three-column layout more than one series is described per page. The series title is given and followed by the relevant Key Stage icon. The age group is reflected with the broadcast times. Detailed but concise information is given for each programme. A coded icon system is used to summarize the resources available to support each series. The icons are explained on one of the first few pages and then not repeated. The resource lists indicate the type of resource, order code price and whether it is a new BBC resource. If a specific resource has been distributed free of charge to schools this is indicated(In such cases "FREE" replaces the price, and this is followed by: "mailed free to your school".). Stand-alone CD ROM and video resources are described at the end of each booklet.
In addition to the secondary school subject catalogues, the BBC produces a single information sheet about new resources that are available in each subject(These descriptions are based on BBC New Resources for English, Art, PE & Dance, Science and Geography). These a double sided full colour A4, glossy cards. Each card list gives a brief description, order code and price of new resources in the specific subject. The bottom of the card is a tear- off postcard with tick boxes for ordering the resources listed. The telephone number for BBC Education information and the BBC Education subject specific web site URL is given on each card. The cards are colour coded by subject, and this colour coding matches the colour of the more detailed secondary school subject catalogue booklets. Each card also has a code on the bottom left and corner of the post card that is repeated above the tear-off perforation. When ordering by credit card or telephone, this code is sited for easy reference.
The BBC Guide to Early Learning Autumn 97- Summer 98 is a full-colour, glossy 16-page booklet. It is folded and stapled to form a landscape, A4-sized resource. It is directed primarily at parents and carers, and some references are made for teachers. Generic tips for the use of BBC resources on the inside cover, are followed by information on the legality of recording broadcasts and how to order resources. A quick guide to the various Early Learning Series is presented using a checklist which indicates the age and learning areas (Literacy, Numeracy, Social Science and Music and Movement) covered for each series. Both radio and television series are reflected. Each page is dedicated to a series. brief descriptions of the each series, and the available supporting resources are given. Each page has a graphic or photograph from the series, of an available resource or of parents and children using the materials. A freepost order form for resources that have been specially selected for parents and carers is included in the centre of the booklet. This is a single coloured, A4, double-sided piece of paper.
The order form is arranged by series and reflects the title, intended age, code and price, with boxes to fill in for the quantity of the order.
Each BBC series also has a supporting booklet BBC Booklets.(These descriptions are based on BBC radio series booklets: Words Alive! English Factual Writing- Writing Poetry, Spring 1998; Words Alive! English Storywriting, Autumn 97; Words Alive How many animals can you find?, Summer 97; Stories and Rhymes - Poetry Corner, Summer 97; Playtime - Early Learning , Spring 98; Playtime, Summer 97; and Dance Workshop - Asian Folk Dance today, Summer 97) The series booklets generally consist of about 16 pages that have been folded and stapled to an A4 size. The glossy, single colour cover is used, while the inside pages are in black and white. The first page gives an overview of the series and a numbered programme breakdown. Descriptions of the aims of the series, some ideas on general usage, programme content and the teachers notes are provided. Each programme is then described in detail on a single A4 page. The form of these programme pages differs from series to series. In general some information is given about the programme and its themes, programme content, activities for before, during and after the broadcast are given and additional available resources are listed. Worksheet templates for duplication, follow the programme descriptions.
BBC Education produces such specifically designed
support materials for teacher education and training. The BBC resources produced as part
of a Teacher Education Module on Using Radio and Television in the Primary
Classroom - MATHEMATICS, consists of a level arched file containing:
A video cassette with three BBC Mathematics programmes for
different ages;
Notes for tutors on using radio and television in the classroom,
including a description of the teacher education module;
Over Head Projector transparencies for introducing the session;
Response and discussion sheets for teachers;
The teachers notes that support the three series in the video;
An order form for further copies of the pack.
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