Papers Presented at the 2nd National NADEOSA Conference
Held 21-22 August 2000
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Papers and presentations are listed alphabetically by author:

Keynote speakers and national address

Keynote address by Professor Kader Asmal, Minister of Education.
Butcher, Neil - Planning and Information Co-ordinator, South African Institute for Distance Education (SAIDE)
Use of Technology
Mays, Tony - Saide Researcher/Materials Development Manager, Promat.
Learner support
Pulkkinen, Jyrki - Research Manager and Head of Research Unit, Open and Distance Learning, University of OULU, Finland
Materials development
Mr I K Lehoko - Deputy Director General, National Department of Education
Consolidating the agenda for for flexible and resource-based distamce education: What matters most

Conference papers

Bassoppo-Moyo, T. (Vista)
Managerial perceptions in the application of information technology in the public and private sector in Zimbabwe
- Not yet available
Bertram, C. (UNP)
A mixed mode distance education model for teacher education: Rationale, student experiences and quality
Boon, J.A., Brown,T.H. & Lazenby, K. (University of Pretoria)
The integration of distance and contact education: The University of Pretoria as a case study
Brandt, C. (TSA)
Creating a learner-facilitator guide for best assessment practices in assignment tutoring at TSA
- Not yet available
Clayton, V. (
Virtual Book: An electronic interface that facilitates learning and a flexible learning environment
- Not yet available
Coetzee, W. (Vista)
Towards a hierarchy of design principles for writing instructional text in Science
Coleman, L. (Pentech)
Collaborative materials development projects: The TELP experience
Cronje, J.C. (University of Pretoria)
The architecture of digital universities
De Beer, K.J. & Phatang, J.S.S. (Technikon Free State)
A Southern African model in distance education in a developing South African subregion
De Wet, E., Steyl, E. & Campher, T. (RAU)
From concept to graduate
Engelbrecht, E., Du Preez, C., Rheeder, R. & Van Wyk, M. (TSA)
Using an outcomes-based philosophy in the development of quality learning materials at Technikon SA: An action research report
Fregona, C. (Technikon Natal), Harris, M. (Technikon Natal) & Krüger, J. (Community Development Programme)
The barefoot teacher on the telematic highway - Serving rural communities in KwaZulu-Natal
Govender, D. (TSA)
Creating conducive learning environments for effective adult learning with special focus on Technikon Southern Africa as a distance learning institution
- Not yet available
Grundling, J., Kruger, Z., Van Vuuren, H. & Engelbrecht, T. (TSA)
Development of assessment activities for language learners (policing) at a distance learning institution: An action learning/research approach
Henning, J.C. (TSA)
Distance library services: A Southern African Model
John, V. (University of Natal)
Learner support needs within the UN/SACTE distance education programme: towards broader and more formalised support
Jordan, G. (IntaVision)
Southern African models in distance education: The Rosslyn learning project
- Not yet available
Kabonoki, K. (University of Botswana)
A starting point in the use of technology for distance learning: University of Botswana experience
Kench, E. (Cape Mental Health Society)
Learning for life: A distance learning course in developmental disabilities
Khumalo, V. (Vista University)
A Foundation Phase Model
- Not yet available
Koumi, J. (UK)
Audiovision - audiocassette, guiding learners through designed visual materials
- Not yet available
Kruger, M. (RAU) & Broodryk, C. (TSA)
How to incorporate NQF level descriptors in the design and development of learning materials
- Not yet available
Lebeta, T.B. & Bagwandeen, D.R. (UNIQWA)
Materials development for upgrading the qualifications of teachers through DE: the UNIQWA model
- Not yet available
Lloyd, G. (Sunshine Centre Association)
Early home intervention at a distance in South Africa: A model in process
- Not yet available
Makyikyeli, N. (Open University of Tanzania)
The analysis of support for access and equity in higher distance education in Tanzania
- Not yet available
Mavundla, T.R. & Netswera, F.G. (TSA)
The assessment of research support in a distance learning institution
- Not yet available
Meyer, S. (UP: Department of Nursing Science)
Telematic education: a solution for professional nurses in rural areas
Mofana-Semoko, M. (Lesotho)
How adequate is the Lesotho Distance Teaching Centre's Booklet on Child Care?
Nonyongo, E.P. & Vakalisa, N.C.G. (UNISA)
Advanced Certificate for Youth in Development Workers: The UNISA experience of collaboration with the Commonwealth Youth Programme
Qakisa, M. (UNISA)
Learner support beyond boundaries: a holistic approach to learner support
- Not yet available
Ravhudzulo, M.A. (University of Venda)
Using printed materials in distance education: A case study of Ramaano Mbulaheni Training Centre (RMTC)
Rollnick, M. (College of Science, University of the Witwatersrand)
Open learning in Science and Mathematics: The case of the College of Science at Wits
- Not yet available
Setswe, G. & Hannans, A. (MEDUNSA)
DE at the National School of Public Health at MEDUNSA
- Not yet available  
Steyn, J.M.C. (TSA)
Flexible learning at TSA
- Not yet available
Van Koller, J. (TSA)
Online instruction at TSA: An evaluation of a course in online instruction offered to TSA academic staff members
Van Vuuren, H., Sinclair, I. & Mkhabele, J. (TSA)
The Kathorus community constable experience: Crossing the divide between interrupted schooling and higher education
- Not yet available


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