Fakazani,Mpwele (July 1999) 'Adult Learners' Week-a tribute tp life and a key to
the African Century' in SAIDE
Open Learning Through Distance Education, Vol. ?, No. ?, SAIDE:
Johannesburg |
South Africa | Contents | ||
w increasing the profile and recognition of adult learning; w increasing participation in adult learning; w building strong networks for all those involved in adult learning; and w promoting national education and training objectives.
How to take part in this event
w Make sure that Adult Learners Week is included in your organizations activity plan for 1999.
wPublicize Adult Learners week by including the relevant dates in all your publications.
wDiscuss ideas for local Adult Learners Week activities and promotions with colleagues and learners.
w Contact the Adult Learners Week team to get support for your ideas and to share these with participating groups.
Should you require any more information about Adult Learners Week, please call Thami or Brightness at AETASA at the following telephone number: (011) 333 8975. We welcome any ideas or suggestions from those interested in contributing towards the week.
South Africa | Contents | ||
African Institute for Distance Education |