Mays,T (July 2000) ' Learner Support: a South African programme perspective' in SAIDE Open Learning Through Distance Education, Vol. 6, No. 2, SAIDE: Johannesburg
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Learner Support: a South African programme perspective

Learner support is an integral part of course design and needs to feature prominently from the earliest stages of planning and budgeting. This is the unequivocal finding of SAIDE’s soon-to-be-released study: Learner support: a South African programme perspective. The study was conceptualized by Terry-Ann Selikow (currently studying in Canada) in response to various policy documents advocating the need for more, and better, learner support in South African education programmes. In this article, Tony Mays discusses the main findings of the study.

Aim of study

The aim of the study was to encourage good learner support practices by:


Terry-Ann Selikow, Rabia Dawjee, Ephraim Siluma, and Chika Sehoole used a fourth-generation style of evaluation. In this process, a triangulation of qualitative data gathering techniques was used, which involved:

Case studies were compiled through ongoing consultation between researchers and stakeholders. This consultation culminated in a workshop at SAIDE’s offices on January 25th, 2000, at which participants were given an opportunity to finalize their case studies. They could also debate them, as well as adding and reformulating recommendations for good practice that emanated from the study.

The following case studies, from five programmes, form the core of this study.

The research project was motivated by various policy documents that called for improved learner support. Research began with a review of available literature, as a result of which we began with a broad definition of learner support, such as ‘the entire range of methods and strategies employed in the presentation and delivery of courses aimed at assisting and enabling learners to comprehend fully, assimilate and master the skills and knowledge needed to achieve success in their studies’1 and ‘the attempts made by educational institutions to meet the needs of their students and prospective students’.2

For the purposes of this research, we concentrated on those elements of the system that are responsive to the individual needs of the learner, as opposed to the standard and mass produced elements of the course (irrespective of medium). We therefore studied:

Unsurprisingly, therefore, we found very few documented definitions and statements about learner support in the programmes involved in the research. Most of what we learned about perceptions of learner support arose from interviews with programme stakeholders (learners and staff).

Our general impression was that learner support is perceived as "part and parcel of the course", rather than a separate range of activities tacked on to a core programme. In this case, learner support, therefore, has to be built into programme planning from the start. This seems to have been the case with all five programmes. It is also clear from the case studies that learner support needs to embrace both academic support and personal support (dealing with challenges relating to personal problems, financial difficulties, etc).

Most learners and programme tutors talk about learner support in terms of the types of activities and interventions offered rather than in terms of an underpinning concept or educational philosophy. Our sense from both tutors and learners is that learner support involves ‘assisting learners to continue with their studies…to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills…[and] being available…in a manner that is required by the learners…not only during classes but whenever there are difficulties’. In short, ‘what you need is guidance that you are on the right track’.

In all five cases, learner support could be broadly linked to our working definition above. In addition, some ‘pre-packaged’ material (including print materials, which was not a focus of this research), was seen to have a support function stakeholders (learners and staff) place a high premium on the need for ‘interaction’. Yet, there is a danger in some cases that ‘interaction’ may be seen simply as meeting in person rather than fostering meaningful two-way dialogue. Form(s) of learner support offered are determined by the programme’s purpose, target audience profile, underpinning educational philosophy, and budgetary constraints.

In drawing out lessons of experience and formulating recommendations, it was first necessary to acknowledge that, because so many variables are involved in the provision of an effective and efficient distance or ‘flexible’ learning programme, inevitably any research undertaken will present only a limited perception of a complex whole. We therefore felt that, whilst it would be difficult to draw out lessons of experience and to make recommendations on practice for each individual case study, a number of interesting and useful lessons of experience did begin to emerge when they were considered together.

Below we provide a summary of the recommendations emerging from the research. Recommendations made in the study were couched as actions that providers ‘should’ or ‘might’ undertake. Readers should remember, however, that the actions referred to are simply that: recommendations. They are not prescriptions, and refer to actions that are indicated as potentially beneficial, emerging from reflection on the lessons of experience in the case studies. Providers are therefore urged simply to consider the relevance of each recommendation for their own particular circumstances and to prioritize action on those that seem both relevant and achievable.


1. Learner support and education programmes

Providers should:

2. Learner support strategies

Providers should:

2.1 Face-to-face contact


Providers should:

Family support

Providers should:

Peer groups

Providers should:

Previous learners

Providers should:

2.2 Use of new technologies to offer individualized support3

General recommendations

Providers should:

Counselling and orientation into a programme

Providers should:

Group tutorials and peer group interaction

Providers should:

Individualized consultation

As a complement to direct face-to-face interaction, the following technologies can be used to provide individualized support:


Providers should:


Providers should:

Printed letters

Providers should:


Providers should:

Tapes: audio and video

Providers should:

Televised interactive broadcasts

Providers should:


Providers should:


Providers should:

2.3 Feedback on assignments

Providers should:

3.3 Other forms of support

Financial support

Providers should:

Practical experience

Providers should:

Study centres

Providers should:

Study skills

Providers should:

Technology training

Providers should:

Workplace support

Providers should:

3. Support staff

Providers should:

4. Quality assurance and monitoring

Providers should:

5. Costing

Providers should:


  1. UNISA (1997/8) Draft report on Integrated Learner Support.
  2. Northcott (1986:6) cited in King 1983.
  3. This set of recommendations is based on those made in the Technology-Enhanced Learning Initiative (TELI) report, which was used in the case studies as a basis for exploring use of new technologies.

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