TAD Consortium April 1998 Information Update 2
Dear TAD friends
[NUA Internet Survey, 20 February 1998]
Use of the Internet is Growing in
Edupage, 10 March 1998
"Institutions and Courses
to the use of ICTs in Africa and other developing countries.
This TAD Consortium Information Service has been sponsored by Juta
TO CONTENTS[NUA Internet Survey, 20 February 1998]
Network Wizard's Internet Domain Survey - A Global Perspective - South
Africa is still one of the largest markets on the Internet, but it's losing
ground to countries who are fast catching on to the digital wave. According
to the latest biannual domain name survey conducted by Network Wizards, the
South African domain of the Internet (all addresses ending with .za) has
025 computers connected, and has grown by less than four percent over the
last six months. While the slowdown may not be as dramatic as the figures
indicate, there is no doubt that the South African Internet market is
falling behind some of the movers on the word's "wired" Top Twenty. Taiwan
has been the big mover over the last six months, more than trebling the
number of Internet hosts from 40,000 in July last year to nearly 180,000
today, and leapfrogging from 30th to 13th on the list. New Zealand has been
the other big mover. A year ago New Zealand had fewer Internet connections
than South Africa, but they have doubled in size so that today - with 169
264 internet hosts - the .nz domain has 40% more Internet connections than
.za. Korea and Brazil are also closing fast on South Africa. With 84
growth over the last year, Korea have moved up 4 places to number 17 from
21, while Brazil's 52 percent growth has seen them move up from 26 to 19
with 117 200 hosts.
http://www.nw.com http://www.electric.co.za TO CONTENTSUse of the Internet is Growing in Africa by Tom Butterly -
Internet connectivity levels within Africa have improved significantly in
the last couple of years. A recent report by Mike Jensen (January 1998)
indicates that the capital cities in 42 of the 54 nations on the continent
currently have live public access Internet services, and 8 countries
(including Zimbabwe) have local dial-up access throughout the whole
The total number of Internet users in Africa is estimated at between
and 1 million, 700,000 of which are in South Africa. Zimbabwe has the third
highest number of Internet users (10,000) in Africa and the 5th highest
number of Internet users per capita. However, despite recent progress,
Africa remains far behind the developed world in terms of Internet
connectivity and usage. For example, it is estimated that 1 in 6 people use
the Internet in North America and Europe whereas the comparable figure for
Africa, excluding South Africa, is 1 Internet user for every 5,000 people
(the figure for Zimbabwe is 1 in 1,100). Even South Africa, with an
utilisation rate of 1 in 65, is below the world average of one in forty
five. This information was provided by Tom Butterly, Director of
Management Consultants in Zimbabwe. For more of this report, please see the
following Constraints to the Development of the "Wired' Economy in Africa.
http://www.nua.ie/surveys/analysis/african_analysis.html TO CONTENTS[NET-HAPPENINGS Digest - 17 Mar 1998 to 18 Mar 1998 - Special issue]
Internet Demand Is Moving Faster Than Technology, Panel Says by Jeff Sweat,
InformationWeek - Internet bandwidth demands, fueled by technology such as
video and IP telephony, are rising so rapidly that backbone providers may
not be able to keep up, a panel of ISPs and equipment vendors said Friday
Spring Internet World '98 in Los Angeles. The panelists, speaking at akeynote session, said Internet use is shooting up more rapidly than
expected. According to Alan Taffel, vice president of marketing and
development at Fairfax, Va.-based ISP Uunet Technologies, the Internet usedto double in size once a year, but now it's doubling every three to six
months -- a tenfold increase per year. "We have to radically alter our
backbone very, very regularly," he said. "We and everybody else are going
have a difficult time keeping up with bandwidth demand." Other panelistsconcurred, saying building up a backbone is made more difficult because
and network equipment providers have to see what uses emerge for theInternet. "We're being asked to build bandwidth for the future without
really knowing what the traffic will be," said David Garrison, chairman of
ISP Netcom On-Line Communications Services, in San Jose, CA.
http://www.techweb.com/wire/story/0398iwld/TWB19980316S0017 TO CONTENTSThird World Protests Tax-free Internet - A coalition of developing nations,
led by Egypt, India and Pakistan, are protesting a World Trade Organization
proposal for an Internet "free trade zone," saying hat such a development
would reinforce the dominance of North America and European countries in
online world. The coalition is proposing that no decisions regarding thecreation of a tax-free Internet trading zone be made until the problem of
Western dominance of the Internet is resolved. Trade officials predict that
negotiations on creating the free-trade zone will begin next year at the
earliest. (TechWeb 9 Mar 98)
TO CONTENTSThe "Institutions and Courses Database" of the "International Centre for
Distance Learning On-line Information Service" (which is part of the Open
University of the UK) is at http://www-icdl.open.ac.uk/icdl/ICDLdb.htm TO CONTENTSConstraints to the use of ICTs in Africa and other developing countries.
(This information was originally circulated by Mike Jensen)
1.) The poor general level of telecommunication facilities (largely caused
by policy factors) is clearly the most critical inhibiting factor, but
are also a number of other major constraints which need to be addressed toachieve a more conducive environment for information sharing:
2.) In particular, the low level of computerisation in many organisations
one of the largest barriers to using new communications technologies. Thehigh price of equipment relative to the available resources means that many
organisations and departments involved in information gathering and
dissemination remain critically under developed in their use of computers
and networks. Many machines are older 286 DOS based machines for which
are dwindling levels of support and very few are networked, locally or onwide-area basis.
Modem donations and initial communications subsidies continue to be an
important method for development organisations to assist in building
electronic links, but many require more extensive assistance with obtaining
low cost computers and LAN facilities. Many local suppliers are
which increases the incentive for importing equipment, but obtaining localsupport often then remains an outstanding issue, especially as there is
usually a very limited in-house skills pool for simple computer
maintenance.3.) The scarcity of computers and small base of skills also contributes to
the low level of institutionalisation of much of the networking activity.
Email and Internet access is usually limited to those with the most
resources, very often to people with international projects and contacts.
There may be no provisions for making the facility available to the rest of
the organisation, or to maintain the link, when the operator leaves the
institution or even goes on holiday.
4.) This is exarcerbated by the lack of guidelines in making services more
publically available and allocating the appropriate resources for their
effective use. Often, when providing wider access is attempted, machines
be made available for general use by those without access to a computer,but
because of their lack of experience, they tie up the facility for inordinatelengths of time hunting for keys while typing. Typing and computer literacy
courses have not received sufficient attention as a requirement for those
using these facilities, and in many cases it may simply be more cost
effective to employ additional staff specifically for the task of
keyboarding and printing or saving messages to disk.
5.) In general, the limited technical skills for the establishment of
electronic network services and the lack of literacy in the effective
exploitation of network applications by users are clearly major impediments
to the spread of these technologies. While there have been a few workshops
and training courses organised in developing countries, and a number of
worldwide events attended by developing countries (such as the ISOC
Developing Countries Workshops), the numbers who have received training is
still very limited.
6.) Also, there have been no attempts to 'train the trainers in training
techniques'. Most trainers are simply co-opted from their normal roles as
networking technicians and very few have any background in apropriate
training methods. In addition, relevant training guides, documentation and
online tutorial software to support trainers has been insufficiently
7.) With so many independent networking development projects each pursuing
their own connectivity goals, it could be said that one of the major
constraints to efficient improvement of the environment for sharing
information is the lack of mechanisms to improve collaboration and
co-ordination between different projects. The overlap in the multiplicity
projects in some countries and activities could be reduced, with theavailable resources spread more equitably.
8.) Because many developing countries are part of a variety of regional
groupings and designations (for example Southern African countries are
members of SADC, COMESA, East African Co-operation, the Customs Union and
the BLS States), many regional network development initiatives tend to
overlap and/or lack a unified approach.
9.) Being of high-resale value, vandalism of the copper network
infrastructure is a general problem, but is being met with concerted
response by the PTTs to replace links at risk with optic fibre and wireless
connections. Because copper also requires more maintenance and is also
susceptible to lightning damage, growing attention is being directed to the
possibilities of wireless local loop systems. Some PTTs are also
experimenting with a real-time monitoring system to reduce the incentives
for theft by increasing the likelihood of the perpetrators being
apprehended.10.) While import duties are a significant disincentive through their
contribution to increased prices, the growing trend toward taxation of
services may become a larger impediment to the effective use of computer
11). As mentioned earlier, the high price of Internet services in some
countries, and absence of local dial access outside almost all of the
capital cities severely limits access for the bulk of those with computers.
And as far as the rest of the population is concerned, so far there have
been few attempts to provide low-cost public access facilities at drop-in
centres for those without computers.
12.) Lack of Internet bandwidth linking ISPs and the countries is an
increasingly severe constraint to efficient information flows. This is
largely a result of the high cost of international leased lines which
results in ISPs crowding too many users into channels of limited bandwidth.
This is also greatly exacerbated by the very limited peering between ISPs
within the same country and also between countries. As a result it can take
many minutes to download a single web page (speeds of 20 characters per
second are not uncommon), even from another ISP's site across town -
must often traverse at least two saturated international links because thepeering point is in another country.
13.) In some cases, because of saturated public telephone exchanges, the
difficulty in obtaining large numbers of local telephone lines to maintain
the desired ratio of 10-15 users per modem has limited the accessibility of
ISPs during periods of peak demand as all the available dialin lines
become occupied. In the same fashion, users requiring telephone lines toaccess the Internet have faced problems in obtaining new telephone lines.
a result wireless options have been promoted as an alternative, however theuse of wireless options by end users is constrained by a number of factors:
While cellular telephone services have been opened to the public in most of
the larger developing countries, much of the rest of the spectrum, aside
from radio and television broadcast frequencies, is usually allocated to
military. Security is a major concern in many countries and if armed forcesare suspected of opposing the government, wireless communications are
to be severely restricted.Nevertheless, unregulated use of the spectrum is quite common - because of
the lack of radio spectrum monitoring facilities and skills in most
developing countries (in some cases the regulatory agencies may exist only
on paper, with virtually no resources to enforce a country's decisions
spectrum use) a number of organisations and individuals have simply goneahead and installed wireless technologies without seeking permission.
Also, limited resources for spectrum allocation planning in many countries
means that some of the rules are not yet clearly defined because many
wireless technologies are so new. So national policy is often only set when
the technology is introduced by an influential company, creating ad-hoc
decisions which can cause problems later.
Of course it is possible to apply for a license to operate communications
equipment on the wavelengths designated for their use, but since most of
telecom operators have a monopoly over telecommunication services of alltypes, it is almost essential to involve them in some way if the license
application is to be successful. The PTT would probably need to be
that it cannot reliably provide the service required through its existinginfrastructure, it will not be used by third parties or cause interference,
and it may also be necessary to give the PTT ownership over equipment and
pay a rental fee for access to the service.Nevertheless, probably the biggest barrier to widespread use of wireless
technologies for accessing the Internet are the entrenched models used by
the PTTs in providing service. They generally plan for the provision of the
full range of telecom related services over all of their infrastructure
using sophisticated equipment that will carry multiple voice/data/ISDN/TV
channels etc. As a result they are generally unwilling to consider
small-scale approaches which only involve the transport of data/Internet
traffic, although if a social improvement dimension is present in a project
involving wireless technologies it may be easier to obtain approval.
14.) The absence of a regional Network Information Centre (NIC) in Africa
and Latin America to provide Internet address space and guidance for
emerging ISPs (like the InterNic, RIPE and AsiaNIC) has reduced the growth
of new service providers who must spend considerable time negotiating on a
case-by-case basis with the InterNic and RIPE for Internet addresses. In
addition there are few unbiased sources of the information new ISPs need to
establish their local services and make their international connections.
Priority unfulfilled needs and opportunities for improved Internet
development in developing countries.
Among the most important needs identified in many of the countries were to:
--- Develop access points and demand in secondary cities and rural areas.
a)by training users in these areas and supporting them with equipment and
installation subsidies. b) by addressing the needs of those without
computers through the establishment of shared community telecentres and
promotion or support for wireless link alternatives where necessary, c)
promotion of improved interfaces for the non-literate and less educated
as text to voice output, touch screens, webTV, voice recognition, andimproved machine translation facilities for major languages, d) support for
the use of special equipment for the disabled, such as braille keyboards
voice cards for the blind.--- Support increased collaboration and co-ordination of international
agencies. Aside from the obvious advantages in improving the effectiveness
of Internet related projects and in helping to identify sources of support
for local initiatives from existing regional and global projects, this
should also build strong local hosts by encouraging international agencies
to use local ISPs for non-critical traffic instead of using their
autonomoussystems for all communications.
--- Support for technical training to induct new host system operators and
to upgrade the skills of the existing ones. Aside from financial assistance
for holding individidual training sessions and national training workshops,
identification and promotion of low cost training centres in more advanced
countries should also take place. Due to the high travel and subsistence
costs, regional training workshops are perhaps a less appropriate option
unless they are combined with an International conference. A related need
to gather system installation and maintenance documentation in Portuguese.--- Support the establishment of local cross-sectoral national information
infrastructure (NII) working groups. This will require: synthesis and
circulation of the existing country studies and research in the countries
provide more detailed information for determining strategy and learningfrom
existing experiences. Related to this is the need to put in place on-goingmechanisms for countries to share experiences. There will be a particular
need to provide NII working groups with technical assistance for them to
develop national Network Information Centres (NICs), information
infrastructure plans and inventories of local resources. These groups could
be related to any existing IT or ICT working groups, but not be subsumed by
them, unless there is some clear committee structure that focuses on
national network planning and information exchange between all sectors.
--- Support the establishment of an African and Latin American centre for
administration of IP addresses, autonomous system numbers and continent
directory services, like the AsiaNIC, RIPE and the InterNIC.--- Promote information on low cost alternatives for setting up
Internet/Intranet hosts to all sectors, but especially to SMME's interested
in setting up public access Internet drop-in centres and to computer
suppliers. This would aim to counter the barriers caused by the generalperception of high costs, and include information on development of basic
business plans or cost recovery methods for different scales of service.
--- Provide technical assistance to the telecom operators for improvement
the bandwidth of local loop infrastructure - through promotion ofinnovative
methods for upgrading existing copper circuits from analogue to digital(such as ADSL) and using wireless links where necessary.
--- Identify and promote sources of low cost and second hand computer
hardware and software. Also to provide training to maintain the equipment
and encourage national governments to reduce import duties on ICT
--- Identify sources of soft finance for local Internet based business
startups and international partners willing to invest in joint ventures.
--- Provide technical assistance to ISPs to improve their reliability and
quality of service by: a) implementing redundant links and dialup backup
systems, b) by encouraging the use of methods to reduce congestion of
international links through installation of local peering points, caching
servers and mirror sites (peering points carry traffic between ISPs,
servers and mirror sites hold local copies of information repositoriesoriginating in North America or Europe) c) promoting the use of digital
satellite data-broadcasting to reduce congestion on leased line circuits
even to provide high bandwidth data services to end users in KU bandfootprint areas, d) promoting the new developments in web/http server
protocols to deal with email-only access, low bandwidth and/or wireless
connections - e.g. HTTP-NG, Agora email to web gateways etc. In addition,
support could be provided for analysis of traffic patterns to assist in
network topology planning, bandwidth provisioning and pricing mechanisms to
spread usage more evenly over the day, and also for administrative and
business skills upgrading for small service providers.
--- Assist with the evaluation of the alternative proposals for Internet
services provided by the private sector in the tenders of public bodies and
with obtaining preferential treatment for public sector users from ISPs,
in Intelsat's allocation of satellite channels for education.--- Provide technical assistance to national, provincial and municipal
governments to implement Intranets and to move their existing data from
standalone systems to open networked systems.
--- Encourage the development of sub-regional links in general, and
particularly between culturally or economically connected neighbouring
--- Encouragement for the establishment of content building service centres
(possibly attached to ISPs) which can provide web site development and
training, advice with establishing organisational web servers for small and
medium sized organisations and other related content development areas such
as audio/video servers and CD ROM mastering facilities and low cost systems
for the rendering of cultural artifacts for placement in web museums.
--- Support for developing country participation in the ongoing process of
development of international intellectual property protection policies,
information law, policing and the technical mechanisms for ensuring their
--- Sensitisation of more 'conservative' decision makers to the
possibilities for using the Internet.
--- Assistance to organisations with legacy LAN systems (eg Lantastic and
IPX), and legacy WAN systems (eg Zoomit, Compuserve, Lotus Notes) to move
open Internet/Intranet based facilities. Many of these systems do not havesimple means of transmitting binary file attachments, do not reply
to errors from mailing lists, use inefficient transmission protocols andare
generally more expensive to operate and maintain. --- Identification andpromotion of modem brands which operate best on low quality telephone lines
susceptible to lightning.
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