TAD Consortium August 1998 Information Update 2

Dear friends
An Annotated Webliography on Web-Based Learning
Richard Fuchs
World Bank's Development Education Program (DEP)
Planets of the solar system
The latest edition of Networking


This TAD Consortium Information Service has been

sponsored by Juta Publishers - web: www.juta.co.za - phone:

+27 21 797 5101


Dear friends,

Enclosed is a range of snippets from discussion lists that you may find

interesting. Much of it points to web-based resources, but there are also

some other items of interest. Also, for people who have more recently joined

TAD, we have now put up a history of the Consortium. You can find it at:



Neil Butcher



You are invited to visit "An Annotated Webliography on Web-Based Learning by

Linda van Reyneveld and Tyna Lamprecht":

http://hagar.up.ac.za/catts/learner/lindavr/coop.htm. It links sited

relating to web based instruction, giving some indication of what can be

expected. It is categorised and easy to navigate. its focus is on foreign




IDRC is pleased to announce the availability of Richard Fuchs (Futureworks,



The report results from an IDRC/Acacia-commissioned study on telecentres and

includes a review of six cases (in Canada, Australia,Wales, Senegal, Sweden

and South Africa), an analysis section, interviews with three case-study

authors, and access to the on-line archive of the moderated discussion list

used by the study process.

The report is accessible on-line at URL: http://www.idrc.ca/acacia/stcat.htm

A downloadable ZIPped version is available at URL:

http://www.idrc.ca/acacia/download/tx-engin.zip (**** see note at bottom)

A new, unmoderated and open list, "Telecentres-l," was created and can be

used for sharing information about telecentre development activities, events

or any other relevant material. Those of you interested in joining this

list, simply send an e-mail to lyris@lyris.idrc.ca, and write the following

in the body of message:

subscribe telecentres-l Your Name

Finally, archive of the telecentres-l will be available to subscribers at

the following URL:






Directly from the ICHR web page:


Over 250 producers, writers, public health professionals, actors and others

based all over the world are in consistent contact through the

Creative-Radio Mailing List. Here is a sampling of the websites associated

with members of the list and those they recommend.

To join the list, send an email message to radio@xlines.tiac.net with

"Subscribe" in the subject line and "Subscribe Creative-Radio" and your full

name and organization in the body of the message.


Africa: Search for Common Ground Common Ground Production's pan-African

radio and television series which examines conflict and its resolution

across Africa.


Amnesty International


Arts Alive

Each week, we publish the spoken word content of our arts and culture

current affairs radio program, Arts Alive, that is heard on community and

indigenous stations all around Australia. The previous three weeks are also

available. For special events such as last June 16 international bloomsday

readings, we publish sound files that can be downloaded at broadcast

quality. The site has been available for just over one year and has had over

25,000 hits.


Bagatelle Communications and Management

Page includes a new guide to starting a community radio station in Canada.



Basic Support for Institutionalizing Child Survival

Working in collaboration with other international agencies, nongovernmental

organizations, health systems, and academic institutions, but especially

with public health officials in developing countries, BASICS provides

technical assistance to countries' priority health programs.

BBC English


CARE is the world's largest private relief and development agency; it is a

partnership of compassion and professionalism in the service of those in

need. Our mission is to provide a measure of security and well-being for the

poor in developing regions. http://www.cdc.org.za/

The Centre for Democratic Communications (CDC)

A South African NGO working with community radio stations throughout the

country, mostly in townships. The CDC provides stations with equipment and

start-up support, and with technical and journalistic training. It also

produces radio documentaries and call-ins, on grassroots issues, which are

syndicated to the stations. The CDC has a satellite transmitter that sends

programming from Johannesburg to station studios for broadcast. Contact:



Children's Express WorldWide

CE is a news service produced by kids reporting on the issues that affect

their lives.


Commonwealth Broadcasting Association

A membership-based organisation which trains broadcasting organisations,

fosters freedom of information, disseminates broadcasting information,

promotes public service broadcasting, and provides a forum for discussion

amongst its members.


Commonwealth of Learning

The Commonwealth of Learning is an international organisation created by

Commonwealth Heads of Government to encourage the development and sharing of

open learning/distance education resources and technologies. COL is helping

developing nations improve access to quality education and training.


Developing Countries Farm Radio Network

Developing Countries Farm Radio Network is an international network of radio

broadcasters and other rural communicators. We share information about

sustainable farming methods and sensible health practices used in

communities around the world, so that others can adapt their techniques to

increase food supplies and improve health. We have operated as a registered

Canadian charity since 1979.


Education Development Center


Global Wireless

The International Newspaper for the wireless communications industry is

Global Wireless, an RCR Publication. Nearly twenty years ago, Global

Wireless began publishing Radio Communication Report to cover developments

in the mobile communications industry.


Grassroots News Network


The Hunger Project

The Hunger Project has developed and applies a dynamic, strategic

methodology at every level of society where action must be taken to end

hunger, from the village level, to the district level, to the national and

international levels.



Internews is an international non-profit organization working to enhance

tolerance and understanding by supporting independent media in emerging

democracies, producing and distributing innovative television programming,

and using the media to reduce conflict within and between countries.

Internews programs are based on the conviction that vigorous and diverse

mass media form an essential cornerstone of a free society. Internews

projects currently span Eastern and Western Europe, the Middle East, Africa

and http://www.jhuccp.org Johns Hopkins Univ. Ctr. for Communication

Programs The Center for Communication Programs is part of the Johns Hopkins

School of Hygiene and Public Health. The Center works with many

international agencies, foundations, governments, and nongovernmental

organizations in the US and overseas to promote healthy behavior.


Mallard Concepts, Ltd.

Features community radio news updates from around the world, a community

radio project gallery, information on broadcasting equipment, and more.


National Community Radio Forum

The National Community Radio Forum, launched on the 3rd to 5th December

1993, in Orlando, Soweto, aims to lobby for the diversification of the

airwaves and effecting a dynamic broadcasting environment in South Africa.

This will be achieved through the establishment of community radio stations

throughout South Africa. Site includes resources, information on how to set

up a community radio station, and information on partners.


OneWorld Radio News Service

>From here you can download free radio programming from around the world on

human rights and sustainable development straight off the Web. It's

copyright cleared for you to broadcast on your station to your local or

international audience. Recent programmes are available from Panos, Channel

Africa, BBC World, the Women's International News Gathering Service and many



Population Services International

Population Services International (PSI) is an unusual nonprofit organization

dedicated to improving the health of low-income people worldwide. We seek to

improve world health through social marketing -- a cost-efficient,

results-oriented approach more akin to private businesses than to other

non-profits. Social marketing uses commercial distribution and advertising

techniques to make essential health products easily available at affordable

prices and to promote healthier behavior.


Radio Netherlands

Radio Netherlands, Holland's external broadcasting service, covers media

developments on various scales in an English language programme called Media

Network. It is now downloadable in real audio, plus there are photos from

recent trips to Lebanon. Many of the subjects dealt with may be of interest

to this group. The site also includes a directory of all international

broadcasters on the web.



Radioinfo is a directory of radio stations and suppliers to the radio

industry containing a searchable database of over 11,000 U.S. radio

stations, over 9,000 suppliers to the radio industry, and links to over

3,300 radio station web sites.


Soul City

Soul City is a Health Promotion Non- Governmental Organisation. It is based

in Johannesburg; South Africa. We use multi-media as a means to communicate

Health and Development messages. The Mass media component consists of a 13

Episodes Prime Time Television Drama on a National Channel, A 60 Episodes -

15 minutes Radio Drama broadcast on 9 radio stations in 9 different

languages, and Print media. We distribute printed information throughout the

country by means of 10 different major newspapers.

http://www.jmk.su.se and http://www.nordicom.gu.se

Stockholm University, Dept. of Journalism, Media & Communication



The World Bank's Development Education Program (DEP) recently unveiled its

education for sustainable development website (www.worldbank.org/depweb).

Targetted at secondary school teachers and students around the world, the

site's interactive learning modules use charts, maps, case studies, photos,

and data tables -- all based on World Bank data, knowledge and resources --

to teach about social, economic, and environment issues of sustainable

development. Special features include an on-line newspaper for students and

an extensive `For Teachers' section.

Current website modules deal with Population Growth Rate, Access to Safe

Water, and Gross National Product per Capita. Forthcoming modules will deal

with CO2 Emissions Per Capita and Life Expectancy. All of the website

material will be available in French and Spanish at the end of August.

Please tell your colleagues and friends about the website. Any feedback or

comments you can provide about the site would also be most appreciated.

Tony Bloome




>From Lauren Eve Pomerantz webspinner@teachspace.org Programs Coordinator

California Space & Science Center www.teachspace.org

I just found a wonderful site that discusses the planets of the Solar System

in great detail. Check out

http://www.seds.org/nineplanets/nineplanets/ .



The latest edition of Networking < http://node.on.ca/networking > features

an article which explores universal design for the information highway. The

article looks at the potential of the Internet to open -- and close -- doors

to different users, and investigates the legal and design imperatives for an

inclusive World Wide Web.

To complement this feature, the NODE has compiled series of supporting

resources on adaptive technologies geared towards educators, trainers,

website developers, and anyone who thinks the web should be an inclusive

medium. These resources are available at http://node.on.ca/tfl/adaptive

These services are brought to you by the NODE Learning Technologies Network

< http://node.on.ca >, a not-for-profit electronic network facilitating

information and resource-sharing, collaboration and research in the field of

learning technologies for post-secondary education and training. Our website

provides current, comprehensive information for learners and practitioners

engaged in technologically-mediated teaching and learning.


Leslie Fournier

E-Mail: lfournier@node.on.ca

Website: http://node.on.ca



Telematics for African Development Consortium
P.O. Box 31822
South Africa
Tel: +27 +11 403-2813
Fax: +27 +11 403-2814




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