TAD Consortium November 1999 Information Update 1
Community Level Socio-Economic Impacts of
Electronic Commerce
Charles Steinfield
Visiting Professor
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management
Delft University of Technology
Email: c.w.steinfield@sepa.tudelft.nl
Pamela Whitten
Department of Telecommunication
Michigan State University
Email: pwhitten@msu.edu
[Note from Phil Agre - original distributor of message
You should send this great paper to any small business or community economic
development people you happen to know, but its significance also runs
deeper. It's a study in the wrong-headededness of Internet hype, and in the
degree to which the culture has swallowed ideas about the Internet that make
no sense at all. In particular, the Internet is commonly associated with
globalness, and with primitive fantasies of transcendence and escape and
omnipotence -- fantasies that are misleading at best for most normal people.
Yes, electronic commerce probably means that many local businesses are
toast, although the ignominy of your life's work being wrecked by a
competitor who loses extraordinary amounts of money on every sale must be
considerable. But it's also true that many businesses, if not most, are
inherently local. The question is where to draw the dividing line around the
Internet's "impact". The Internet is all about boundaries, and theboundaries
around businesses, among businesses, and between businesses and their
customers are all being renegotiated. The bits that can be made global will
be, and the other bits can be restructured to amplify local knowledge and
connection and embeddedness. In short, although the hype may be right about
the magnitude of the changes, it is wrong about their nature. Unfortunately,
in the short run natural selection tends to favor easily-propagated ideas
over empirically-grounded ones. Serious ideas like the ones in this paper
take longer. Hopefully in the long run the damage from the hype can be
reversed. I've forwarded the paper by permission and extensively reformatted
it. Any glitches are my fault.]
In the great excitement generated by the Internet's potential to globalize
commerce, researchers have virtually ignored how electronic commerce will
impact local businesses and their communities. A primary emphasis in most
discussions of electronic commerce is the global nature of electronic
markets, and the lower costs of reaching consumers throughout the world
(e.g., Amazon.com, a firm that did not even exist a couple of years ago, now
sells books in more than 150 countries). Through electronic commerce,
companies are now within reach of anyone with Internet access, enabling them
to compete with traditional businesses in any given community without having
to make the investments in "bricks and mortar" and without an expensive
private global telecommunications network. The Web theoretically lowers
transaction costs that formerly served as a barrier to entry in local
markets, enabling consumers to become aware of and transact with electronic
retailers located anywhere.
The rhetoric suggesting that electronic commerce fosters global markets is
convincing, and exerts a powerful influence on the business strategies of
companies going online (Steinfield & Klein, 1999). Indeed, an article in the
Economist proclaimed, "The Internet is affecting all businesses in similar
ways. Every industry, for example, has suddenly become part of a global
network where all companies are equally easy to reach. As a result of these
changes, many businesses that survived mainly because they were conveniently
placed, or because they provided information that was hard to find, will
soon have to find some other raison d'etre" (The Economist, 1997).
As electronic commerce grows, an important socio-economic side effect will
be increased competition with the traditional businesses in any given local
community (Steinfield, Mahler & Bauer, 1999a; 1999b). A recent report by
Jupiter Communications, an Internet research firm, estimated that 94 percent
of online purchases made in 1999 would otherwise have been made in
traditional retail channels (reported in CNN Interactive, August 6, 1999).
Of course, local businesses may also gain from the efficiencies afforded by
electronic commerce, both in better serving their local constituencies and
by reaching out to distant markets. Some anecdotal evidence suggests that in
some instances this is occurring, especially as traditional retailers learn
to better integrate their Web and physical outlets (New York Times, August
16, 1999; Steinfield & Klein, 1999). However, at least one study suggests
that local merchants are, in general, ill-prepared to take full advantage of
electronic commerce, and thus are unlikely to see any gains from it
(Steinfield, Mahler & Bauer, 1999). Other anecdotal evidence points to the
plight of local merchants who attempt to go online with limited resources,
with examples of local stores who sell little to nothing through their
online ventures (New York Times, July 26, 1999). These initial indications
suggest the need for new research on local impacts of e-commerce.
In this paper, we suggest that it is important to consider now how
electronic commerce may influence the health of local economies. Despite the
rhetoric that electronic commerce is free from the constraints of geography,
we argue that there are good reasons to reconsider the role of physical
location in making e-commerce policies. Following Steinfield et al., (1999a;
1999b), we outline the theoretical rationale for expectations regarding how
local businesses use and are impacted by electronic commerce. A small
exploratory study of local business use of the Web in one community
illustrates the general tendency to focus on distant, rather than local
markets. We then show that transaction cost and competitive advantage
approaches, supplemented by perspectives from research on social networks
and trust, enable the development of locally sensitive Web strategies for
businesses in a given community. We highlight generic strategies that local
businesses can use to leverage their physical presence in a market with
electronic commerce in order to better compete with distant Web-based
companies. The paper closes with a discussion of the policy implications
from a community perspective and an outline of research issues.
Transaction-costs economics, emphasizing the cost-savings afforded by
network-based communication, is generally used to explain the rise of global
electronic markets (Benjamin & Wigand, 1995; Malone, Yates & Benjamin, 1987;
Miller, Clemons & Row, 1993; Wildman & Guerin-Calvert, 1990). Networks
reduce the constraints imposed by distance by permitting the rapid exchange
of information between distant buyers and sellers and can more effectively
link buyers with sellers while avoiding costly search efforts (Malone et
al., 1987; Wildman & Guerin-Calvert, 1990). Not only does electronic
commerce support the provision of goods and services at a lower cost, but it
can potentially enable greater customization to the needs of individual
buyers (Choi et al., 1996; Kalakota & Whinston, 1996). As the argument
typically goes, distance becomes irrelevant for goods and services that can
be produced anywhere and either delivered electronically or physically by
courier to buyers. Earlier analyses by Malone et al., (1987) spelled out the
network effects, particularly in the area of buyer search, where electronic
brokerage capabilities of networks enable buyers to search for and locate
products that match desired features and prices. The relatively low cost of
creating a Web presence, which is then accessible to those connected to the
Internet worldwide, enables firms to use their electronic site as a
surrogate to establishing a physical presence in a local market.
Distant Web-based businesses have several advantages over their local
physical businesses. Based on Steinfield et al., (1999a; 1999b), such
advantages include, but are not limited to:
* Access to a wider potential market.
* Lower sunk costs because a building or rented space in each market is not
required, and they may operate with less or no inventory.
* Better economies of scale arising from a larger customer base, and
consequent volume discounts on inputs. (1)
* Ability to set up facilities near important factors of production, which
would not be available to an "offline" physical business in a given
* Lower costs due to the ability to bypass many of the intermediaries in the
retail distribution value chain (Wigand & Benjamin, 1995; Wigand, 1997). (2)
* A higher degree of transaction automation, leading to improved service and
lower labor costs.
* Ability to rapidly respond to changes in the market, through price
adjustments which can be almost in real time (Bailey, 1998), and well as
changes in product mix and marketing approach.
* Ability to easily capture and use market relevant data generated during
routine interactions with customers (Steinfield et al., 1993). Many smaller
local businesses are unlikely to have equivalent capabilities.
* Ability to add value to products and services by offering links to
complementary producers (Steinfield et al., 1993).
* Ability to offer 7 day by 24 hour access with little additional cost.
* No limitation on the depth of information provided to customers, which can
aid in product selection and potentially reduce return rates (New York
Times, August 23, 1999).
These economies can potentially enable Web-based retailers to easily
undercut the prices of local retailers who formerly faced little or no
competition. Despite some empirical evidence to the contrary (Bailey &
Brynjolfsson, 1997; Palmer, 1997) (3), there is a general expectation that
prices will be lower on the Web.
Using transaction cost theory, we can conclude that electronic commerce
implies new competition for local retailers, particularly those offering
products that are readily obtainable from other sources, and that are easily
transported (4). Of course, local merchants might respond by establishing
their own Web presence, making up any business lost to Web-based competitors
by expanding into new geographic markets themselves. However, there are good
reasons to be skeptical about the likely success of this strategy for many
smaller local retailers (Steinfield et al., 1999). Web startup firms face
significant barriers in their attempts to attract customers. The sheer
number of new Web businesses reduces the likelihood that people will chance
upon a Web store, necessitating large marketing and advertising expenditures
to get noticed. Smaller local retailers also may not have the business
systems in place to adequately serve distant customers, even if they do
attract them. The ability to process electronic orders, verify payments,
ship to distant customers, properly apply sales tax regimes, handle returns,
and many other skills need to be acquired. Moreover, despite the increasing
sales activity on the Web, lack of trust remains a strong inhibitor. Unknown
virtual Web stores are more likely to experience problems due to lack of
trust than established brand names, favoring the larger, nationally-known
company. In fact, at least one survey of Web users has shown that lack of a
local physical presence inhibits purchases (GVU Center, 1997)(5). Other
surveys suggest that problems with unreliable products and difficulties
returning goods have dissuaded Internet shoppers from being repeat buyers
(Coates, 1998). Recently, one Internet market research firm reported that
nearly two thirds of all online customers still do not trust Web sites with
private information, despite the use of prominently featured privacy
policies (Jupiter Communications, 1999). And, probably most importantly,
smaller local firms are unlikely to have the resources or skills to create
the kinds of sophisticated, highly interactive Web sites that now populate
the Web (New York Times, July 26, 1999).
Electronic commerce is also likely to influence the buying patterns of
businesses and consumers in a local community. Transaction cost economies
can also be used to explain the attractiveness of Web commerce for buyers
(including firms and individual consumers.) Electronic commerce has
implications for all stages in an economic exchange, including search and
evaluation in the pre-purchase phase, ordering and delivery in the purchase
phase, and after-sales service in the post-purchase phase (Choi et al.,
1996; Kalakota & Whinston, 1996). Gains accrue also to buyers, who can
reduce their transaction in each of these stages of the purchasing process.
As buyers seek out lower cost and higher quality producers on the Web, the
less sophisticated local providers not only fail in their efforts to
increase sales from distant customers, they also suffer losses in their own
market as well.
This effect also can occur in business-to-business transactions. The
burgeoning literature on IT and virtual organizations, combined with
transaction cost economics, suggests that the Web will encourage firms to
purchase goods and services from remote sources to find the best producers
regardless of location (Davidow & Malone, 1992; Wigand et al., 1997).
This suggests that many local businesses might not fare well in direct
competition with new Web competitors, particularly for easily transported
products. As we argue in a subsequent section of this paper, however,
businesses with a physical presence do have their own advantages when the
target market is in their specific geographically defined community. And,
when this physical presence is combined with creative uses of the Web
targeted to their local constituency, the resulting synergies can offer even
greater competitive advantage (Steinfield et al., 1999a; 1999b).
The rub is, however, that despite any potential relative advantage to
focusing on the local market, the evidence suggests that local businesses
are more likely to direct their Web commerce at distant markets (Steinfield
et al., 1999a) rather than their own local community. Studies seem to
indicate that the majority of local businesses are drawn to the almost
infinite audience now on the Internet, and focus on the Web as a tool to
grow sales rather than provide better services to their home market. Auger &
Gallaugher (1997), for example, compared the motivations to establish an
online presence among small and large Web-based businesses. They found that
smaller and medium-sized firms go online to increase sales outside their
geographic region, rather than to improve business in their local market.
Steinfield et al., (1999a) found little evidence of a locally-oriented Web
strategy among 250 businesses that had established Web sites in one
medium-sized Midwestern city. And, as we show below in a follow-up study of
almost 100 businesses in the same community a year later, there remains
relatively limited local focus on the Web sites of those that had developed
an online presence.
***Back to Contents***In an attempt to understand if and how businesses located in a specific
local area are using the Internet to support and/or supplement their local
company, we conducted a study of local businesses in Lansing, Michigan. We
applied two data-collection strategies to gather this preliminary data. In
the first step, we randomly selected businesses from the Lansing area
business white pages and called them to determine which ones had a Web site.
Our goal was to randomly identify 25 local businesses with a Web site for
further analysis. We had to call 94 local businesses before reaching our
goal of identifying 25 businesses with Web sites. All 94 businesses were
asked basic demographic questions, but those with Web sites were asked
additional open-ended questions to ascertain their Web-related uses and
goals. For the second phase of data collection, we visited each of the Web
sites and conducted a content analysis based on 12 pre-defined variables
which identify strategies on the Web targeted for local customers. Of the 25
businesses that reported having a Web site, only 20 were actually accessible
during the data-collection phase of this study.
The results of this exploratory study appear to support our hypothesis that
few businesses were actually applying strategies on their Web site to take
advantage of their local presence. For those companies with a Web site, the
majority report the provision of information as a function of their site
with 37% providing company information and 19% providing product
information. In addition, 17% reported that customers can communicate
directly with the company via the Web site and 9% reported that a
transaction can be conducted via their Web site. When asked whether their
Web site targets people specifically in Lansing or elsewhere, 28% reported
Lansing, 48% reported elsewhere and 16% reported both. Just over one third
of the respondents feel that they have competition from other company's Web
sites that offer similar services. Thirty-six percent of the respondents
reported that they are doing some form of business-to-business transaction
via the Web such as purchasing products or services needed by their company.
One-quarter of the businesses report that they have tracked a difference in
their customer base since putting a site online with most reporting new
international clients. Sixty percent of the respondents have plans to
increase their use of the Internet to deliver products and services over the
next few years. Almost all the businesses felt the Internet can help them be
more competitive by enhancing their visibility and client access to their
products and services. However, our data did not tell us whether this
enhanced visibility and access would be on a local or global level.
Interestingly almost 50% feel that it is important to have a physical office
(or a local office) in a community to compliment a Web site because of the
need for personalized service and relationships and those products/services
which cannot be delivered via the Internet. Finally, 60% of the businesses
report membership in local organizations with the Chamber of Commerce being
the most common membership.
The results from the first phase of data collection point to some
interesting indications. First, these businesses are not currently using
their Web sites to deliver sophisticated services and less than half are
taking advantage of the Internet for products and services they need to run
their business. Even though many plan to ramp up their use of their Web
site, they didn't provide many concrete examples of exactly how they would
use this tool to become more competitive. And, more than half recognize the
need for local involvement evidenced through their membership in local
organizations. However, phase two of our data collection did not find
evidence that these businesses are using their Web sites strategically to
bolster business from their local community. Three-quarters of the sites
listed a local address and 80% provided a local phone number, however, only
35% provided a map or directions and only 15% included a photo of their
local facility. A mere 10% advertised in-store specials and only 5% used
coupons or some marketing strategy such as listing goods/services available
only at the business to bring clients into the physical store. The bottom
line is that these businesses do not appear to be employing strategies that
capitalize on their physical presence in the local community. Furthermore,
for those businesses without a Web presence, only 30% reported plans to
create a Web site for their business.
In summary, in this section we have identified two inter-related forces
stemming from the growth of electronic commerce that collectively threaten
the health of local communities. First, new competitors who offer goods and
services to a local market via the Web are likely to siphon away business
that formerly went to local physical providers. Conversely, the ready access
to new suppliers of goods and services who were formally unknown,
unavailable or too costly to reach, will shift the purchasing habits of both
local businesses and consumers. Second, local providers attracted by the
allure of the seemingly unlimited size of the Internet market, are more
likely to de-emphasize their geographic location and physical establishment
when they do go on the Web. Except in special cases, such as when local
providers are offering truly niche products unavailable elsewhere, or have
already developed a successful offline business catering to distant
customers (Steinfield et al., 1999a), targeting distant markets is not
likely to be successful for the majority of local businesses. And, local
communities are likely to be impacted as their local businesses look to
service clients outside their geographic area. Our next section outlines
some of resulting community level impacts.
Our analysis up to now has focused on the individual firm level of analysis.
From an economic point of view, it can be argued that we should not be
concerned if electronic commerce helps to weed out inefficient local
producers. In this line of thinking, local consumers will be better off if
they obtain the goods and services they need from more efficient providers.
Social welfare is thereby enhanced, and therefore no action is required. The
fallacy with this view is that while indeed there will be individual cases
of local buyers gaining more value and greater access to suppliers, the
results at the aggregate community level may be undesirable for local
A community level focus would uncover, for example, some of the following
social costs of electronic commerce:
* Job losses, particularly in relatively unskilled areas already quickly
disappearing in the digital economy. Sales clerks, stockpersons, and other
entry level jobs offering employment options for teenagers and other
unskilled workers are likely to be the hardest hit.
* Loss of local shopping options that, even with higher prices, afforded
some conveniences. Consumers may have more choice on the Web, but they also
end up losing some necessary flexibility. Examples include situations where
a product is needed immediately, and cannot wait even for next day delivery
and more costly product returns.
* Decreased attractiveness of local community due to the loss of boutiques
or other businesses that enhanced the quality of community appearance and
* Loss of locally produced goods and services that may have been tailored to
particular needs and tastes of the local community.
* Reduced tax income from business, resulting in a reduction in the ability
to fund government services that enhance community life.
Clearly not all communities will be affected equally, and some may even find
that electronic commerce leads to significant growth in jobs, tax revenues
and service levels. Larger communities may be less vulnerable for a number
of reasons. They may have more competitive local business, and their larger
population may make the effects of any loss in business less noticeable.
Community culture may play a role, such as university towns having more Web
savvy consumers. The nature of the local economy - for example a prevalence
of firms in high tech vs. heavy industry vs. services such as tourism - may
also influence the relative attractiveness of Web commerce and the
vulnerability of local businesses. Even the extent to which a community is
geographically isolated, influencing the availability of nearby businesses
within driving distance, and the resulting competitiveness of local firms
once they are exposed to Web competition, can be a factor. As we note in our
concluding section, there is a need for community level research to tease
apart the many possible social and economic impacts of electronic commerce.
We believe that there are good reasons for businesses with a physical
presence in a community to develop a competitive strategy that leverages
their physical store when competing on the Web. Rather than using the Web
only to attract distant clients, an alternative strategy for local merchants
is to use it to better defend their home territory, and offer better service
to the local community (Steinfield et al., 1999a; 1999b). In this section,
we review the basic arguments for expecting local businesses to enjoy a
competitive advantage over their Web-only rivals when using a hybrid Web
plus physical presence strategy. Following Steinfield et al., (1999b), these
can be broadly grouped into four categories: 1) trust and embeddedness , 2)
consumer needs and behavior, 3) services and applications that capitalize
oncomplementarities between the Web and their physical presence, and 4)
local knowledge.
***Back to Contents***A commonly cited impediment to online shopping is consumers' lack of trust
in the legitimacy of the Web-based store (Bollier, 1995; Coates, 1998).
Indeed, the emerging digital certificate infrastructure appears to be
motivated by a desire to demonstrate to potential consumers that merchants
are not merely criminals masquerading as a business in order to obtain
credit card numbers. Consumers who recognize the Web store as an extension
of an existing business may perceive it to be more legitimate, and have more
trust in the store. This is not only likely to be a local phenomenon, but
certainly influences perceptions of national brands as well. Nonetheless, we
expect that consumers in any particular local market will have more
confidence in a Web business if they can associate it with a particular
physical store that they have visited or seen in their community. It also
may be the case that distant consumers will perceive a Web business to be
more legitimate if they are made aware that it has been a successful
physical business.
Embeddedness is a term that has been used by sociologists when describing
the extent to which economic exchanges are predicated upon patterns of
social relations in any community (Granovetter, 1985). According to
Granovetter, embeddedness is often considered a problem by economists, who
argue that when economic exchange is determined by social relations,
inefficient allocation of resources can result (6). However, he also notes
that social relations often facilitate trust, permitting exchanges without
expensive contracts or legal fees and thereby reducing costs. Recent
empirical work by Kraut et al., (1998) found that a strong predictor of the
use of a particular supplier for acquiring key inputs was the importance of
personal relationships between producer and supplier. They further found
that electronic exchanges between buyers and sellers are not only associated
with interpersonal linkages, but the quality of electronic exchanges
complemented by interpersonal relationships is higher than electronic-only
exchanges. Businesses in a community are likely to be embedded in a number
of local social and business groups that can serve as the basis for forming
such personal relationships.
Embeddedness that enhances trust can occur in more than familial relations.
Local merchants may belong to chambers of commerce, volunteer organizations,
churches, and other types of community groups. Through these efforts, they
become recognized and trusted members of the community. These associations
may extend to the Web, for example when other local businesses provide
reciprocal linkages or endorsements.
***Back to Contents***Consumers have a variety of needs and preferences that influence their
shopping behaviors. Here we mention only a few possible consumer needs and
shopping preferences that may offer a competitive advantage to a local
merchant who also establishes a locally-oriented Web presence. Our goal is
to illustrate those cases where the combination of Web plus physical
presence would have a greater chance of capturing business than a Web-only
With a locally available physical store, consumers' perceived risks in
engaging in online shopping are potentially reduced. As noted above,
problems associated with the return of faulty merchandise are a major reason
for lack of repeat online purchases (Coates, 1998). A local physical
presence reduces such risks by providing a low cost means for returning
flawed goods, or seeking technical assistance with a particular product.
People may also learn about products at the Web site, but confirm product
quality by visiting the store to physically inspect the goods prior to
purchase. Such pre-purchase and after-sales services not only reduce risk,
and thereby lower consumer transaction costs, they can further build trust
in the Web store.
Shoppers are not homogeneous, and may have different preferences that
influence their use of both regular and Web-based stores. Various market
segmentation approaches, such as SRI's Values and Lifestyles (VALs) and
Internet VALs (iVALs) are examples of marketers' attempts to understand
diverse consumer preferences that affect purchasing behaviors (7). It has
been suggested, for example that the Web excels in 'search' goods, for which
there are particular product features that enable evaluation by consumers
prior to use. The Web facilitates search allowing consumers to more easily
locate desired products (Klein, 1998). Klein (1998) argues that the Web even
turns 'experience' goods, which are thought of as products that can only be
evaluated after trying them, into search goods, by using multimedia
capabilities of the Web to permit online experience (8). Coupled with a
purchasing style characterized by extensive research prior to actual
purchase, the Web can be a powerful complement saving consumers on the high
search costs associated with such information gathering. Others suggest that
many consumers prefer the social and personal experience of shopping,
engaging in interaction with others in the marketplace as they shop (Sarkar
et al., 1995). With both a Web and physical store, such diverse preferences
can be addressed. There are likely to be shoppers who exhibit hybrid
patterns, such as preference for gathering information online, but making
actual purchases in a store. Some may prefer the convenience afforded by the
Web, and use it to locate desired products, but due to the lack of trust in
the security of the Web, prefer to make actual transactions in person.
Perhaps most important are the consumers who desire immediate gratification,
and do not want to wait for products to be shipped. They may identify
products online, but cater to their desires for immediate gratification by
picking up the product at the local store. These are all examples where the
physical store would capture purchases that otherwise would not have been
made with only a Web-based store.
The Web store and the physical store can support each other in many
different ways, capitalizing on natural complementarities (Steinfield et
al., 1999). These include cross promotions, joint-service provisions, and
value-added services. Cross promotions are perhaps the most straightforward
example of a natural complementarity. Web stores may provide the bargains
that people may expect when shopping on the Internet, but also offer coupons
for in-store purchases. Marketers are accustomed to the use of
'loss-leaders' as an approach to increasing store traffic, and realize that
once in the store, other purchases for non-discounted merchandise are more
likely. A physical store can use its Web site to highlight local events,
such as a reading or performance at the store, helping to bring in traffic.
The Web store may also provide information about additional services that
are available at the store that add value to products purchased online. A
company might use electronic mail for direct marketing, not only to
advertise the Web site, but also to provide information about in-store
products and services. Some services might be provided jointly, leveraging
the investment in physical and Web presence. A good example would be when a
computer store offers a product online, but provides installation and repair
services at their premises for customers purchasing from their Web site.
Finally, the Web store may function as a source of value-added services for
customers who have purchased or plan to purchase goods at the physical
store. A purchaser of a musical instrument, for example, may find additional
sheet music at the store's Web site. Also, Heikillä, Kallio, Saarinen &
Tuunainen (1998) describe the emergence of Web-based grocery sites, where
customers gain convenience by shopping online. A local grocery store then
delivers the chosen items. Finally, a number of stores have initiated
in-store Web kiosks as a means of lowering costs and improving service (New
York Times, August 16, 1999.) In-store shoppers gained the ability to search
for products not on display, gather in-depth information without taking up
the salesperson's time, and even purchase or pay for products for immediate
or subsequent delivery. These various complementary approaches represent a
sampling of strategies a retailer might use to leverage their investment in
physical and Web distribution channels. In many cases, the natural
complementarities offer a distinct advantage over Web-only stores that might
require shipping a product back for additional service or installation work.
***Back to Contents***Local merchants who target a local market should be able to capitalize on
their local knowledge to compete effectively against distant virtual stores.
Bouwman (1999) for example, points out that in many parts of the world,
there are local or regional language differences that can be captured in the
Web content to increase the appeal of the site. Local customs, tastes and
product references will be known by local merchants, but not necessarily
distant virtual sellers. Prominent local citizens who offer endorsements,
reference to local landmarks, awareness of important local events that may
influence purchase patterns, and many other local content strategies should
help make a merchants Web site more meaningful and appealing to the local
target market. It would be difficult for globally-oriented Web businesses to
capture the same degree of local relevance.
In summary, we have outlined four categories which offer strategic
advantages to merchants who uses the Web to compliment their physical
business in a local community. Whether they build upon pre-established
relationships to take advantage of trust, facilitate their clients' ability
to use the Web to access those services which they would rather obtain
remotely, or take advantage of local inside information to develop
promotional strategies, the local merchant who supplements his business with
a sophisticated Web site would appear to have the upper hand over some
remote online-only companies. However, there is a great deal we have yet to
understand to help us pinpoint the economic and social advantages held by
the local merchant. The final section of our paper outlines a research
agenda which can be used in the long-term development of policy to maximize
appropriate commerce practices over the Internet. Towards a Research Agenda
We suggest that there are indications, given the Internet market research
cited earlier and our preliminary studies over the past year, that there is
cause for concern at the local community level. Our discussion is largely
speculative, however, and there is now a need for more formal social and
economic research to inform policy makers and give guidance to community
leaders. Research in several areas now appears warranted.
First, there is clearly a need to develop a rigorous and pervasive system of
monitoring the flows of electronic commerce activity, all the way down to
the individual and firm level of analysis. Systems for measuring on and
offline purchasing activity, that not only measures buyer location, but also
seller location, are essential. Given that existing DNS conventions make it
difficult to identify the location of buyers and sellers, alternative
methods need to be developed (OECD, 1998). Largely, such information may
need to be reported at regular intervals by individual consumers and
businesses, perhaps through such mechanisms as the US Census. At the May
1999 Digital Economy conference sponsored by the US Department of Commerce,
there were clear indications from the US Census Bureau that a new set of
electronic commerce measures would appear in upcoming surveys. These are
important first steps, especially since the data can then easily be
aggregated to the community level, state, and regional level. It would then
be possible to estimate net gains and losses in economic activity in
communities, and to link these outcomes to other social and economic
Another line of research suggested by our discussion is to identify and then
focus on the most vulnerable types of business (e.g., books, music, travel
services) and track the extent to which Web-based commerce is associated
with declining numbers of firms.
More broadly, research that looks for broad shifts in the nature of
businesses that flourish and those that disappear in various types of
communities would also be warranted. Moreover, research that links the
changes in the business landscape to particular policies such as local
taxation of e-commerce, would help guide policy makers.
We can also suggest more individual and organizational level research. An
open question, for example, is how individual buyers are likely to respond
to locally-oriented Web strategies. Does it truly enhance trust, and is
there any perceived value to such approaches from a buyer perspective?
Empirical research can shed light on the viability of the many different
strategies that e-commerce observers suggest for traditional businesses.
These include turning physically-based retailing into more of an
entertainment experience, emphasizing local ties, and offering in-store Web
All of these research questions will provide data to help us better
understand the economic and quality of life impacts of electronic commerce
on local communities. In addition, they will provide vital information that
can be used by local businesses to guide investment decisions regarding
physical and/or Web presence in a community.
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***Back to Contents***1. 1. Although some evidence suggests that size of firm has less relevance
on Web retailing, given the relatively low costs to establish a Web presence
(Kennedy & Dietsch, 1995). Nonetheless, there is clear potential for a large
retailer who then goes on the Web to use their buying clout to acquire
products at a lower per unit cost than both small Web retailers or small
physical retailers.
2. 2. However, Sarkar, Butler & Steinfield (1995; 1998) present arguments
for increasing, rather than decreasing numbers of intermediaries in the
electronic commerce environment.
3. 3. Bailey and Brynjolfsson (1997) report, for example, that in their
empirical analyses the prices of books, CDs and software were higher on
average on the Web than in Boston area stores. Palmer (1997) found no
significant difference between in-store prices and prices in Web stores,
catalogs and cable TV shopping channels across a variety of products. One
plausible explanation is that Web-merchants were simply using a price
discrimination approach that allowed them to find buyers willing to pay
extra for the added convenience of Web shopping.
4. 4. Note that this is even more true for information products that can be
delivered electronically via the Internet.
5. 5. In a 1997 GVU survey (GVU Center, 1997), more than half of all
respondents required or preferred an offline presence before shopping on the
Internet. Results can be found on the Web at
http://www.cc.gatech.edu/gvu/user_surveys/survey-1997-10/graphs/vendor/Offline_Presence.html6. 6. Consider for example, the inefficiencies resulting from a producer
buying needed inputs from a family member rather than a lower cost competing
7. 7. Information on VALs and iVALs can be obtained from their Web site at
http://future.sri.com/vals/valsindex.html.8. 8. For example, music is normally thought to be an experience good. Web
sites such as CDNow, however, allow consumers to search by artist or genre,
and hear a short preview prior to purchasing music.
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