TAD Consortium Minutes 14 July 1999
Dear TAD Friends,
Attached please find the report on the most recent TAD Consortium meeting,
which was hosted by Microsoft on 14 July 1999.
Remember to diarize the next TAD meeting, which will be taking place on 22
September 1999. A venue will be confirmed closer to the time.
Neil Butcher
--YIZO YIZO - Siven Maslamoney
ONLINE LEARNING - Phil Christensen
Stephanie Townsend
Siven Maslamoney
Yizo Yizo was a partnership between SABC Education and the National
Department of Education - supporting the Culture of Learning, Teaching and
Service Campaign. The project has targeted primarily youth in high schools
with their educators and parents. The program consisted of:
--- 13 week of prime-time TV drama on SABC 1
--- 13 weeks of radio talk-show on radio metro, encouraging discussions on
the key issues raised by the TV drama 1 million copies of youth magazines
distributed to schools
--- teacher guides as supplements in "The Teacher"
--- teacher support programmes in Educator Express
--- extensive marketing and promotion
--- CD of the soundtrack
In developing the script, the team did research which formed the basis of
the drama series. The key research findings were:
--- The legacy of Apartheid education is still with us. Transforming
schools is a complex and difficult process, but it has been achieved in some
--- Schools are affected by the broader socio-economic environment, but this
is not the only factor that affects the functioning of the school
--- Strong leadership is crucial for transformation to happen
--- Teachers and students have to be "brought on board" for the
transformation process to succeed. Adversarial relationships have had a
hugely detrimental affect
--- Teachers and students need to understand that with rights go
--- There is a need for woman students and teachers to play a leadership
role in schools
--- Getting parents involved is not easy; many students feel unsupported by
their parents
--- Many students want to learn; they are aware of the role they play in
undermining learning, but they don't seem to know what to do
--- Many teachers are demotivated; teachers need to be aware of their
influence on their learners
--- Schools need to find ways to mete out discipline and restore structure.
Teachers feel that the banning of corporal punishment has left them with no
--- The environment of many schools is dehumanizing and dysfunctional
--- Drug abuse/theft/sexual/teenage pregnancy are huge problems - many
schools are not safe spaces
--- To tell the story of our schools with credibility and authenticity
--- To provoke audiences to engage with the reality - confront denial
--- To model a process of reconstruction of the schooling community and not
to preach glib answers
--- to be popular - to engage large numbers
The aims of the series was to
--- create a national awareness of the extent of the crisis in high school
--- stimulate discussion and debate and to encourage viewers to engage
constructively with the social/personal and educational problems and
challenges facing students/teachers and their communities
--- promote personal and community responsibility for teaching learning and
school management
--- promote non-violet ways of resolving conflict
(A 5-Minute video was shown from an episode of Yizo Yizo at this point)
People can make a difference
The school community needs to take responsibility for its own transformation
and development
Students and teachers need to think about the roles they are playing in
building or destroying a culture of learning - they need to understand that
with rights go responsibility
Schools are affected by the broader socio-economic environment, but this is
not the only factor that affects the functioning of the school
Strong leadership is crucial for transformation to happen
Parental involvement is a key to success
Q: Yizo Yizo portrays that the problem is only in poor Urban areas. It
seems to send the message that the children system is not as good as other
systems and the problem is not universal.
A: This is the weakness of TV. The choices were made to make the series
work such as a black school not a white school. The use of Urban and not
Rural, the Rural areas are more difficult to portray as the value systems
are embedded already
Q: There is another production that is closely based on the 'Yizo Yizo'
series, called 'Street Bash'. Is the research for this production based on
the same research as 'Yizo Yizo' and will the research for this production
be used in 'Street Bash'?
A: No comment on Street Bash, but the results from 'Yizo Yizo' will be used
in the research based in the next production of the series.
Q: Fundamentally, what perception was trying to be developed?
A: The reality schools are facing. There is no vision in schools, without
vision there are no goals. The big challenge is to build up schools; get
people more skilled in Human Resources to build up schools and students.
Q: Why aren't teachers using the resources available to them?
A: When visiting one particular school, the Maths Pass rate was 0%. There
was no one studying and no-one in the Principles office. 2 or 3 teachers
are committed, the rest are demotivated.
Q: Research into the script/screening showed that they underestimated the
literacy level amongst the audience. The audience focused on the
violence/rape and terrorism. Do you feel the maturity and literacy levels
were underestimated?
A: There were incidents of "Copycat" incidents being reported. Analysis is
being done by the Press. Yizo Yizo gave people the language to express
themselves, to describe their problems. TV alone does not create a
"Copycat", it is a preceded idea. PAC blamed Yizo Yizo, it had nothing to
do with the series.
Q: With regards to the audience targeted, not much visual communication or
visual literacy was taught to the audience. How do they know what positive
or negative feedback should be taken away by them?
A: This program did not portray reality. However it was modeled on good
behaviour and bad behaviour, although the audience was largely illiterate
they could still distinguish between good and bad behaviour.
Comment from Nicola from SABC
There is a tendency amongst adults to assume youth are unsophisticated and
youth tend to think that adults don't understand them. Yizo Yizo will wait
for the research to be completed to learn the real issues amongst young
people. Youth feel that their issues are important and they have a need to
speak. They feel empowered by the series as it covers their issues and they
need to feel that they can take control of their lives.
The series has been the highest rated television series for black audiences.
It was consistently the most watched programme for 13 weeks. The series has
also created unprecedented levels of debate amongst the South African
Public. Those who have attacked it claim that it glamorizes violence, it
portrays black people in a bad light and that the language is vulgar. Those
who have defended it claim that it served as a wake up call to parents and
has exposed the bad behaviour of some elements in society.
An impact study will be conducted by an independent research agency.
By Phil Christensen
Beginning in 1997 as South Africa's first on-line matric content provider,
Cyberschool Africa is now launching a completely redesigned site
http://www.cyberschool.co.za that confirms our role as pioneers ofWeb-based content development and delivery. We are focusing initially on two
high-priority subject areas: Mathematics (Standard Grade) and Physical
Science (Standard and Higher Grades). Starting with 100% coverage of these
subjects via custom-designed, Curriculum 2005-ready on-line units, we will
move to other subjects as soon as possible.
We rely on experienced South African matric teachers, drawn from previously
advantaged and disadvantaged schools, to write and review on-line units.
Teachers from two different provinces check every unit to ensure high
quality standards. Two corporate partners provide addition expertise. Vesta
WebActive Solutions offer a database Internet delivery system that allows us
to individualise each user's learning experience and involve even teachers
with no Web experience in writing effective content. Rapid Phase
Entertainment contribute in-depth knowledge of the South African youth scene
plus Fuel Communications, its award-winning Web-design arm. Continuing
assistance from sponsors such as Microsoft and the World Bank's infoDev
project has supported much of our development work for the new site.
Cyberschool provides learning solutions to its users in the context of a
unique virtual learning community. The fundamental design metaphor of the
site is travel, emphasising that learning is about reaching a meaningful
goal. In order for us to create a safe surfing zone and provide personalised
service, all visitors must register. Most community features and all content
is available without charge, with certain value-added services available for
a monthly subscription fee. The community includes features such as a
personal calendar, chat rooms, disk space for study notes, and Cybermiles, a
"frequent flyer" programme that rewards effective site use.
Revision itself takes place within a world-class system called the Learning
Matrix. Designed according to instructional systems principles and fully
outcomes-based, the Learning Matrix guides learners through units at three
levels of outcome: the unit goal (equivalent to Curriculum 2005's specific
outcomes), primary outcomes (the main components of mastering the goal) and
secondary outcomes (required to master a primary outcome). A menu bar on the
left side of the screen shows exactly where the learner is at all times and
allows easy navigation through the system. The units themselves present core
material in a highly efficient manner, with a minimum of computer-intensive
graphics or wordy explanations. This reflects the time and bandwidth
constraints faced by many students. Subscribers also have access to a
learning management system based on diagnostic testing so that they know
exactly what to revise and why. When necessary, users may email questions to
Cybertutors or visit extra-lesson teachers for additional help.
Cyberschool Africa's new site http://www.cyberschool.co.za combinesbest-practice technology, a virtual learning community and an innovative
learning system to make a significant contribution to educational
transformation in South Africa.
Q: What assumptions are being made re the revision?
A: In a remedial environment the student is not always being able to revise
what has been taught, but is now able to master revision at a new level.
Q: If the pack was put together for schools how much would it cost and who
would Sponsor the school?
A: It is critical to have the pack in school's and as much as possible has
been added free. 1 Subject will cost R29-95, 2 Subject will cost R49-95.
By Stephanie Townsend
The concept of 'Interwise' is Live and Interactive Distance Learning
'Interwise' is:
--- live and interactive
--- internet-based
--- desktop-bound
--- a complete distance education and training software solution
The Interwise Infrastructure is
--- Campus Module
--- Push Client Module
--- Instructor Module
--- Student Module
The student and teacher will communicate by means of speech which is done by
a Headset being worn by both parties. This allows for private conversation
between student and teacher and allows the teacher to speak to every student
i.e. public conversation.
The Instructor communicates through the Internet then is able to communicate
to Different levels such as Computer Centre Based Classes, Network Based
Classes, Dataprojector Classes and the standalone/individual
There is a menu enabling the student to:
--- Request to speak
--- Write a note
--- Request the instructor to speak slower or faster
--- Say OK
--- Say No
--- Say Yes
Instructor Features and Benefits:
Instructor supports a rich learning experience and lively interaction
--- Prepared lesson plan and materials
--- "on air" instructor notes and navigation
--- "on air" instructor audio controls
--- RT response stats
--- "Class at-a-Glance" (individual student names, responses, requests,
--- Indicator line
--- Text toolbox
--- Graphics toolbox
--- "on air" student notes and "hands"
--- command line
--- toolbar
--- "Live" interaction with instructor
--- Existing infrastructure can be used
--- Bandwidth economy and network sensitivity by using push technology
--- Sophisticated technical architecture - integrated audio, video and
materials/recording functionality
--- User friendly
--- Reduces training budgets
--- Keeps employees on site and on-the-job
--- One to many - more employees can be trained in less time
--- Reduces need for retraining
--- Real time updating of materials
--- Superior quality instruction - specialists in instructional
design/subject experts
--- Supports the learning process
--- Multi-media material
--- Interactivity -assignments/two-way audio
--- Evaluation methods
--- Reinforcement of information
--- The Virtual University
--- The Virtual Technicon
--- The Virtual Technical College
--- The Virtual IT College
--- The Virtual Business School
--- The Virtual School
--- The Virtual Conference Centre
Interwise is an enhanced distance education tool and The Virtual Campus
service will fundamentally change the way businesses will train, educate and
communicate in future
Stephanie and Ken showed a demo on how Interwise works in a real situation
Questions and Answers
Q: Has Interwise been used nationally?
A: Yes
Q: Where there any problems?
A: Yes, there has been the odd problem e.g. bad line, but everything is
recorded and the student can catch up later. As long as there is a 18k
Modem and 486 Box then no problems should be experienced
Q: Does communication take place between students?
A: All communication is done between the teacher and student, but the other
students can hear. All students can send written format questions and
messages to one another, but no communication can be done.
Q: Can the students see each others responses?
A: No, only the lecturer sees responses and the answers given. There is a
choice of yes/no answers, open ended questions and generic questions.
Q: What is the difference between Interwise and a Video Conference?
A: The limitation with pre-recorded video material is that there is no
interaction between Student and lecturer.
Q: The system is well based, but a high quality of responses received from
learners is based on role play, which will lack in this situation.
A: The program will work well in terms of content, but it is more a black
board scenario than that of classroom scenario. This is not a multi-active
Q: Why the fundamental shift from what we are used to?
A: We are using Technology and the best of teaching material without any
physical presence. We are using solid fundamentals in a different way,
creating a classroom around the world where the teacher and the student can
interact. It is also the most cost effective way for the best possible
By Rael Lissoos
The focus of the presentation is the understanding of the Channel Campus and
the Launching of the new Website.
The Learning Channel Campus realizes that 'The future ain't what it used to
People react to new technology in three different stages:
1. "It's crazy and don't waste my time"
2. "It's possible, but not worth pursuing"
3. "I've always said it was a good idea"
The Learning Channel Group is loyal to Content and Utilisation of technology
--- Television Broadcasts - Between William Smith and the Learning Channel
there are 500 hours of television programmes, broadcasting in the whole of
--- Newspaper supplements - The Star, Argus, Sunday Times, etc. Producing
300 Million Newspapers which helps in the text book crisis.
--- Video distribution - Through the duplication and distribution of videos
and the success achieved, the money made, will finance the Internet
--- CD-ROM production - The CD's have exam revisions, etc. The CD is
cheaper to reproduce and distribute, also it is digital so it won't corrode.
The Learning Channel focuses on the Student and Teachers needs. The focus
is on Market supported Education e.g. old exam papers, revision, etc. The
users Computer can replace the Teacher, making up exams of multiple choice
questions and Generating tests. Teachers focus on the human side but the
Computer focuses on the material/content side. We set up a laboratory where
teachers tested the system, they all agreed that they would easily
accept/use the system.
Rael did a presentation on how the system works. The old syllabus was based
on old Exam papers and the notes were in a text book format, which was quite
boring. The video material was put onto a three and a half hour CD as there
is a lot of video Footage that needs to be used.
The CD's can be dispatched if ordered on line. There is also online testing
which is tied to a sequel database and the teacher checks the students
behaviour. The questions can be developed into easy/hard questions and them
marked instantly. The Questions are then followed by the answers.
A virtual laboratory can be changed into a real laboratory (Rael did a
demonstration with 2 potatoes.)
Questions and Answers:
Comment: The Question of teaching effectiveness is a new paradigm. This is
the Empowerment of teachers at their own disposal as it is connected to
schools and is a value added component. The Learning Channel is enabling
Teachers and Students to get on with the learning process and enabling
teachers to become more effective.
By Shelagh Nation
We were asked to give a brief report-back on this project
The purpose of the project:
It was initiated in response to the present inability to provide life-long
education for all, as promised, within the very tight fiscal constraints
from which the country suffers at present.
The project therefore has as its focus:
--- the exploration of affordable and effective ways of providing education
at all levels and age groups, in an appropriate built environment which does
not rely on continuing to erect standard classrooms to accommodate
chalk-and-talk type teaching.
--- The 'Kgotia' model, based on tribal needs
--- The 'Cuckoo' model, using the concept of sharing premises after hours of
normal use, for educational purposes
--- The 'Office Park' model, with private business or industry giving the
public access to limited facilities for educational purposes
--- in remote rural areas, connectivity and access to information by any
means possible
--- in typical existing schools, simple and affordable modification of
structure and use of space
Questions and Answers
Q: On the issues of security around schools, how do you keep the computers
from being stolen without making the schools look like a prison?
A: The security at schools is appalling, but including the community,
opening the schools in the evenings, the community will start to look after
the school with more responsibility and take a common interest in looking
after the property which belongs to all of them.
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