Management crithuman.GIF (1939 bytes)
crittan.GIF (1061 bytes)

Learners are supported to a considerable extent to become independent learners through the use of various communication systems; the need of learners for physical facilities and study resources and participation in decision-making is also taken into account

Elements of the CRITERION
  1. Distance education teaching tasks are distributed among separate functional responsibilities; for example, course design, instructional design, electronic media use, editing, tutorial support for learners, monitoring of tutors, counselling, assessment, and management of the distance education learning system.
  2. The number of full-time academic staff in the educational provider is as small as possible, but the number of tutors (mostly employed on a part-time basis) is sufficient to provide for the individual needs of the students.
  3. The educational provider employs sufficient administrative and technical staff to handle the specialized tasks of registry, despatch, management of assignments, and administrative support.
  4. Staff (academic, tutoring and administrative staff) work in teams to design and manage successful learning.
  5. Staff selection and promotion criteria give priority to quality of performance in course development, teaching, and management of learning.
  6. Staff is trained, monitored, and retrained for the specialized roles and tasks they perform.
  7. Academic workload is measured in terms of the following:
  • course design
  • preparation of course materials
  • piloting of courses
  • devising and participating in assessment strategies
  • supervision of tutors/markers/other staff
  • monitoring the success of the course
  • research and evaluation
  • contact hours with learners.

     8. educational provider in which the individual works.
     9. There are systems for the dissemination of newly acquired skills and information.
    10. There is an effective performance management and appraisal system for all staff.


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