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There is a system for updating detailed information about past, present and potential learners and using the information to inform policy and planning of programme development, course design and materials development, learner support, and other relevant aspects of educational provision.

Elements of the CRITERION

1. The educational provider has information about learners under the following categories:

  • demographic factors - for example, age, gender, geographic location, and occupation;
  • language profiles - including language ability in main language of teaching and learning, language background, and multilingual language ability;
  • motivation for learning - for example, for career purposes or personal interest
  • educational background/learning experience - for example, prior learning and experience, prior qualifications, experience of distance learning, learning skills and styles, and language background;
  • special needs - for example, physical handicaps or learning difficulties;
  • resource factors - for example, place of learning, times available for learning, access to electricity, access to media and technologies, and financial resources for purchase of additional materials;
  • experience and knowledge of technology; and
  • success rates of past and present learners.
  1. Research into learners and their needs is a high priority and is used to inform all aspects of policy.
  2. Learner information is used to design programmes, courses, materials, learner support, and counselling services that are flexible and learner-centred.
  3. Supplementary materials and learner support are provided according to the needs of learners in relation to language and learning experience.
  4. Tutors have access to information about their learners and contribute to the collection of such information.
  5. Systems exist to maintain the confidentiality of information about learners.
  6. Special needs (for example, physical handicap) are considered in the design of course materials, assessment arrangements, and communication with tutors.
  7. The educational provider is aware of and caters for learners with learning difficulties.

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