Management critmarket.GIF (1957 bytes)
crittan.GIF (1061 bytes)

The needs of the learners and other clients are accurately addressed; the education and training services of the educational provider are effectively promoted in a variety of ways

Elements of the CRITERION
  1. There are sufficient systems and techniques in place for the accurate identification of market needs.
  2. The publicity provided for each programme is accurate and sufficiently detailed to enable applicants to make an informed choice. (The following is a suggested list of such information: target group(s), entry requirements, aims and learning outcomes, content, learning material, teaching and learning activities, scope of programme, learner support services, assessment and accreditation procedures, price, payment conditions, right to return course materials, recommended time limits for completion, and terms regarding interruption/postponement).
  3. Employers and others who enter into collective agreements regarding education or training have received sufficient and correct information about the content and outcomes, entry requirements, implementation and aims of the programme.
  4. The educational provider’s advertisements are truthful, objective and informative and meet the clients’ needs.
  5. Information about programmes reaches as many of those who can be expected to have a need or use for these programmes as possible, given limitations imposed by resources and available information channels.


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