What are the main managerial tasks relating to instruction?
An administrative system is needed to allocate students to tutors in each of the many
subjects taught in the distance education system. If students are expected to attend
tutorials, records of their attendance must be maintained. And tutors' interaction with
students at a distance must be monitored and evaluated, in part because their payment may
depend on their satisfactory performance.
A data management system must be in place for recording students' completion of every
assignment, tutors' receipt of the assignment, its handling and return, and the grade
awarded, whether by a tutor or by computer. This system should be used to ensure
uniformity in marking standards and in the advice given to learners and, above all, to
ensure the quality of interaction between tutors and students. It may also be used to
provide feedback to course teams about the effectiveness of the instruction, as shown by
the quality of completed assignments.
An especially important consideration is turnaround timethe time from the
student's submission of an assignment until the return of the marked assignment. If
students have to wait for feedback before completing their next assignment, many will slow
the pace of study and may seek extensions. The administration must have policies and
procedures for dealing with extensions, penalties for late submission, and procedures for
expediting turnaround.