What are the main concerns in course evaluation?
The evaluation of any distance education course should seek information that can be
used in developing future coursesthat is, it should be formative.
The materials for a course are usually subjected to peer review to ensure the quality
of the content and then developmentally tested by a sample of learners to ensure that they
are comprehensible and user friendly. In developmental testing students work with the
materials before they are published, providing comments and reactions through
questionnaires, interviews, or focus groups.
After the course is produced, evaluation by students and tutors will help support
further development. Mechanisms are needed for systematically developing evaluative
comments on a range of issuesfor example, tutors' reactions to the teaching
materials, accounts of problems their students encountered, and remedies they applied.
Students may be invited to comment on the quality of the course components through
interviews or questionnaires.
More on course evaluation
Greyling, L. 1999. How To Determine The Instructional
Quality Of Online Courses: A Case Study. Paper presented at the
1st National NADEOSA Conference held 11-13 August 1999