Constitution of the Zimbabwe National
Association for Distance and Open Learning (ZINADOL)
Cognisant of the inability of the conventional system of education to meet pressure
for education., and driven by the belief in the efficiency and effectiveness of distance,
and open learning strategies for both non-formal and formal environments., aware of the
potential of distance and open learning to make much needed educational resources
available to disadvantaged groups who would otherwise be deprived of them and convinced of
the impact our collective experience, and potential can make on the provision of quality
education for all; we hereby resolve to constitute a body whose primary purpose shall be
to promote and support distance and open learning with a view to providing an enabling
environment for member institutions and organisations to provide quality service to the
nation as a whole.
The association which is governed by this constitution shall be called the Zimbabwe
National Association for Distance and Open Learning (ZINADOL) (hereinafter referred to as
'the Association"). The Association shall be an independent non profit corporate body
that can sue or be sued in its own right.
The purpose and objectives of the Association shall be to:
2.1. promote access to education and training through distance and open learning modes;
2.2. advance, advise on and promote distance and open learning nationally;
2.3. liaise with government, Local and International Agencies in advancing distance and
open learning;
2.4. develop and promote the capacity of members in distance and open learning
through staff development programmes,
2.5. seek funds and sponsorship from government agencies, donor bodies and other
2.6. collaborate and co-ordinate with persons and organisations at the national, regional
and international level engaged in the pursuit of distance and open learning.,
2.7. provide and promote a forum for interaction among users and providers of
distance and open learning, and organisations with related goals;
2.8. promote acceptable standards of practice in distance and open learning;
2.9. promote research into distance and open learning theory and practice',
2.10. act as a clearing house for information and publications on distance and open
2.1 1. undertake consultancies in the field of distance and open learning and to report on
them; and
2.12. encourage the adoption of appropriate modern techniques and technology in distance
and open learning.
3.1.1. All individuals, institutions and organisations involved in distance and/or open
learning in any way shall be eligible for membership of the Association.
3.1.2. There shall be the following categories of membership in the Association:
(i ) institutional
(ii) organisational
(iii) individual
(iv).Associate Membership.
(v) honorary, on the recommendations of the Executive Committee, to an individual who has
made a distinguished contribution to distance and open learning.
3.1.3 Any student may be admitted as an associate member without voting.rights.
3.1.4. Additional categories of membership may be added as appropriate.
3.1.5. Members shall be required to pay such membership fees as may be determined by the
Association. They will also be encouraged to make donations to the Association.
3.1.6. Any material or property, including subscriptions, put into the possession of the
Association for the carrying out of its objectives shall be deemed to be an irrevocable
3.1.7. Honorary members shall not be required to pay subscriptions.
The Council
3.2.1. There shall be a Council consisting of all members of the Association.
3.2.2.The Council shall hold a general meeting at least once every year and not later than
the 30th day of September in each year for the purpose of:
- considering and confirming the minutes of the previous Council meeting;
- receiving and adopting the chairperson's report;
- receiving an audited income and expenditure account and balance sheet for the previous
year, debating, and ratifying it.
- attending to any matter properly on the agenda of the meeting and any, other business
which may properly be raised by any member; and
- electing members of the Executive Committee in terms of the constitution excepting at
the inauguration of the Association.
- 3.2.3 The place, date and time of the general Council meetings shall be fixed by the
Executive Committee.
3.2.4. Notice of the place, date and time of the meetings shall be sent to the last known
address of each member at least ten working days,prior to the meeting and such notice
shall include an agenda for the meeting
3.2.5. Minutes of the meeting shall be kept by the secretary of the Association
3.2.6. In the absence of both the chairperson and vice-cpairperson, the members present at
the meeting shall elect a member of the Executive Committee or if no member of the
Executive Committee is present, one of their number, to preside at the meeting. A person
so appointed to preside shall not have a casting vote excepting at the inauguration of the
3.2.7. All resolutions shall be decided by a majority of members present.
3.2.8 At any general Council meeting a resolution put to the vote of the meeting shall be
decided by secret ballot. Only paid up members shall be eligible to vote.
3.2.9 A special meeting- of the Council shall be held when convened or requested as the
case may be by:
(a) the Executive Committee;
(b) request to the Executive Committee in writing for such meeting by not less than one
third of the members.
3.2.10. Notice of every special meeting of the Council shall specify the objects of the
3.2.11. Notice of every special meeting shall be communicated to each member by the
secretary as soon as possible after the decision of the Executive Committee to hold such
meetinq or after the receipt of a request for such meeting, as the case may be, and in the
case where a meeting has been requested by the members, the meeting-shall be convened for
a date not less than seven days and not more than thirty days after the receipt of such
3.2.12. No business shall be transacted at a special meeting other than the
business for which such meeting has been specially called.
3.2.13. For any Council meeting-the quorum shall be one third of the membership.
3.3. The Executive Committee
3.3.1. The Executive Committee shall be made up of five elected office holders and
five other elected members, making a total of ten members altogether. The office bearers
shall consist of a:
(i) Chairperson
(ii) Vice-chairperson
(iii) Secretary
(iv) Assistant Secretary
(vi) Treasurer.
3.3.2. The membership of the Executive Committee shall be as broadly based as possible.
3.3.3 The Executive Committee may also..
(i) make appointments to fill vacancies created on the Committee;
(ii) co-opt additional members for specific purposes.
3.3.4. The term of the Executive Committee shall commence on the day it is elected and
shall end on or before the expiry of two years in office following-an annual council
meeting at which a new Committee will be elected into office.
3.3.5. Any member of the Executive Committee mav stand for re-e!ection.
3.3.6. A person appointed to fill a casual vacancy on the committee shall be deemed
to-have-commenced-a-terrn of oftice-at-time of the election of the original member.
3.3.7. Elections shall be by secret ballot, conducted by a chairperson and two scrutineers
approved by the Executive Committee or Council.
3.3.8. Each individual and organizational -member shall have the right to vote for each
officer standing for office.
3.3.9. The Executive Committee will determine its functions, modus operandi, and
procedures for running its meetings.
3.3.10. For any Executive Meeting, the quorum shall be fifty percent of the
membership of the Executive Committee.
3.3.11. Should any member of the Executive Committee fail to attend four consecutive
meetings he/she shall be deemed to have resigned from the Committee, and the casual
vacancy shall be filled at the earliest possible opportunity.
4.1. In the exercise of its functions the Executive Committee shall have power to:
4.1.1. control the finances of the Association;
4.1.2 apply finds towards the promotion of the objects of the Association, including
making refunds on such expenses as may be reasonably incurred by any member of the
Executive Committee in discharging the duties of the Association;
4.1.3. appoint an auditor of the Association;
4.1.4. appoint such sub-committees as it may consider necessary or desirable;
4.1.5. open and operate one or more banking or building society accounts in respect of the
funds of the Association . The signatories shall be chairperson, vice chairperson,
secretary, and treasurer any two of whom shall qualify for normal transactions.
4.1.6. co-opt into the Committee persons, where necessary, for specific purposes;
4.1.7. receive grants, gifts, donations, membership fees, and any other income as may from
time to time accrue to the Association.
4.1.8. establish trust accounts in respect of protects undertaken by the
4.1.9. invest surplus funds in a prudent and conservative manner to the benefit of the
4.1.10. be indemnified from any liability in the lawful course of carrying out duties by
an elected officer-on behalf of the Association;
4.1.11. generally do all things that, .in the opinion of the Committee, are necessary or
expedient for, or are reasonably incidental to, the operation, extension and development
of the Association.
4.1.12. prepare a code of conduct for approval by the Executive Committee and. thereafter
to handle all cases of members and intending members whose conduct is likely to bring the
Association into disrepute.
5.1 A proposal to amend the constitution must be submitted in writing to the Chairperson
or Secretary of the Executive Committee. Such a proposal may be made by an individual
member, institutional member, or by.the Executive Committee.
5.2 In the case of a proposal made by an individual, or institutional member, the proposal
must be supported by .signatures of not less than one-third of the
5.3 A proposal made by the Executive Committee must carry the signatures of at least
one-third of its members.
5.4 Such a proposal shall be put to a vote of members within three months of its receipt
5.5 The constitution shall be amended by a simple majority of members who vote.
6.1 In the event of dissolution or winding up of the Association as determined by the
Executive Committee and agreed to by the majority of the membership, all Its remaining
assets after payment of its liabilities shall be distributed to one or more recognised
charitable organisations in Zimbabwe.
7 1. The terms of this Constitution were duly adopted on the 3rd day of July 1997,
Harare, Zimbabwe, subject to inclusion of amendments suggested in the inaugural meeting. |