What are the accreditation and certification issues in distance education? Accreditation
and the granting of credentials have traditionally been an institutional issue. But that
is changing with the increasing internationalization of distance education, for several
- The increasing availability of courses from several sources
- The growing movement toward granting credit for assessed experiential learning
- The move away from the traditional assumption that credentials will normally be earned
from a single institution.
The need for ready transfer of credit across institutional and even national boundaries
has only grown with the development of private and corporate education programs delivered
at a distance. In response to that need, several national and international agencies have
been established to facilitate credit transfers. Examples of proposed and established
agencies include:
- The CAT scheme operated by the former United Kingdom Council for National Academic
- The Commonwealth credit bank proposed by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL)
- The Global Alliance for Transnational Education (GATE), based in Washington, DC.