Teaching and Learning Design
What is the content?
The range of subjects taught to distance learners is vast. Distance education includes:
  • Almost every field of the undergraduate university curriculum and many postgraduate topics
  • Vocational and technical training in industry and business
  • Training and basic education programs in the armed forces of most countries
  • In-service continuing education programs for health care professionals, schoolteachers, and other professionals
  • Basic adult education, including improved agricultural practices and even literacy in both developing and industrial countries
  • Subjects for schoolchildren, mainly those for which no specialists are available locally.

A subject may be taught at different levels of sophistication and with different volumes of information. In designing a course, it is important to determine what level and information load are appropriate for the learner, taking into consideration the learner's level and the amount of time the learner is expected to devote to the course.


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