This file lists all resources that have been contributed from TANZANIA for the Southern African Global Distance Education Network. As resources are collected from this country, they will be added to this site. The collection process is ongoing.

Which organizations are involved in distance education in Tanzania?
The following reports have been written by SAIDE and based on interviews held from 28-30 June 1999. Interviewees have been given opportunity to make changes and additional comments or amendments are welcome

Read an introductory overview to distance education and technology use in Tanzania, before consulting reports on:

Date Uploaded

Institute of Adult Education February 2000
Distance Education Association of Tanzania (DEATA) August 1999
Southern African Exension Unit (SAEU) August 1999
Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) August 1999
Resources and papers from Tanzania:
Kuhanga, N.A. 1990. The need for, and the possibilities of, Distance Education at tertiary level in Tanzania. Paper presented at a symposium to mark 20 years of adult education in Tanzania, held at the University of Dar Es Salaam, 3-7 September 1990. August 2000
Muro, A., Mbenna, I.C., Ndaalio, A., & Reuben, N.Z. 1988. A programme for improving services to students: The role to be played by Part-Time tutors. Paper presented at teh NCI's Annual Tutors' Conference on 28 May 1998. August 2000
Mlazi, L. 1990. Student Tutors and Instructors Expectations and Perceptions of Distance Education Courses in Science and Technology: A Case Study of Vocational Training by Correspondence in Tanzania. Research paper. March 2000


    Education Network--The World Bank    

A project of the World Bank's Human Development Network Education and Technology Team.   Designed and produced by The South African Institute for Distance Education.  

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